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M_P last won the day on June 17 2018

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  1. Anyone else considering one of those EDD bfgs?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chock


      You are right that it is just noise, but some sites might take issue with the notion of live blanks being chucked about and left sitting there, even though I should think there's little chance of an accidental detonation from one in the mag.

    3. M_P


      There's that risk from all bfgs though, there's stories of all types not going off. I've had an oshiboom for example chucked into a room I've been in and not go off.

    4. Lozart


      There's only one firing pin so once the first round has been used it's safe anyway. There's also a secondary "transit pin" that can be used to make the grenade completely safe when in transit between games. I'm intrigued but as with all things Incentive it's not cheap - £115 preorder at the minute!

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