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Dogsbody100 last won the day on July 9 2024

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Cybergun 1911 a1

    Double eagle pump action

    G&G Raider L

    Well MB01 Warrior
  • Loadouts
    British DPM
  • Sites
    Airsoft Plantation, Dragons Lair, Apocalypse
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Aviation and guns, unsurprisingly!

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  1. Head to the classifieds section, please read the rules first though.
  2. When you talk to the bank the chargeback is also known as a ‘section 75’ which may help you clarify what you want to them. Appreciate you posting this, definitely a shop I won’t be buying from ever.
  3. Thanks for the reply, it shows me an angle I didn’t think of. I always assumed it wouldn’t be too big a job to straighten the gun out with a few upgrades but perhaps not, I certainly wasn’t looking for anything spectacular just a straight shooting mostly accurate sniper but perhaps it’s more complicated than that. Kind of sucks that I’m stuck with it now though as it just won’t sell 😂 Maybe I need to look into the fine art of wall hangers 🤔🤔 Thanks again for a most helpful and comprehensive reply 👍
  4. Evening all, Ive trawled the forum as best I can to see if someone’s posted this before but I haven’t found anything, this of course doesn’t mean there isn’t anything so I do offer my most humble apologies if I’ve missed it. I bought one of the aforementioned rifles some time back and after trying (unsuccessfully) to sell it here I’ve taken its reluctance to leave as an omen and decided to waddle down the upgrade it route. Ive had a sniff on YouTube but came away even more confused than I started although the disassembly part seems easy enough, I repair instruments for aircraft during the day so I’m hoping that’ll be the easy bit. Question I have is what do I need to buy to make this gun fieldable? Bearing in mind I don’t know all the ins and outs of upgrade parts would anyone be able to post a list of what I’d need with a pointer or two on where to get it? As it stands it’s previous owner wasn’t a airsofter and as a result it’s been sitting about with nothing more than the occasional plink, the hop screw appears to have no effect either so I guess the rubber has gone inside. All help is massively appreciated in advance! Cheers
  5. And a great job you all do too! That post was more aimed at proffrink or whoever was the guardian of the patches, not sure how the rest of the hierarchy works here 😂
  6. Well they ain’t said much so far, it’d be hilarious if they suddenly started taking an interest now 😂😂😂😂
  7. Been reading this thread for a while now with increasing intrigue. I’ve always been quite a staunch advocate for the forum and its community. However (and unless there’s something going on that I’m missing) this whole patch business and the apparent radio silence from the relevant admin is quite concerning.
  8. Welcome in both respects! It very much sounds like the airsoft bug has bitten, believe me you’re in good company here. You’re spot on about your first purchase and moreover you’ve actually done it the smart way by not blowing a metric shit ton o’money on your first gun, that’s a mistake many make who later realise they ain’t that into it after all and are then seen on Mack’s (you’ll see what I mean) trying to get back the grand they spent on it in the first place. Advice wise is just enjoy it, it’s a great way to spend a day with your lad, I dare say he probably loves the fact that you play alongside him. Its also worth remembering that most days you’ll get hit more that you’ll hit others, you’ll feel like you’ve gone a round with Bruce Lee the day after and you’ll also end up spending a few bob in addition to what you already have! But it’s great fun and this place is absolutely golden for questions and advice, there’s some really knowledgeable players on here (not me) that are only too happy to help. Enjoy!
  9. Asking that money is heavily optimistic but asking that money for that item on Vinted of all fucking places is just moronic. Let’s be honest, Vinted ain’t exactly overflowing with airsofters is it?
  10. I can honestly say that the airsoft community have been the most welcoming and social group I’ve ever known, even from the first time I went. I started out on my own and was having nerd level conversations with people within minutes about guns, camo and ear in general, they were only too happy to pass on tips too. You’ll find the same where ever you go, it’s certainly a refreshing concept!
  11. The question is of course, subjective. Theres often a shit ton of opinions good and bad about any site. The only time you can say a site is absolutely shit is if you have a general consensus across the board that it’s so, opinion is rarely so polarised making it nigh on impossible to gauge. I’ve always thought that you really can’t know what joys await you at a field till you go, many places have been reviewed one way then turn out to be the opposite.
  12. The guy selling is in Basildon, says so much.
  13. Looking back it may have been less than that, can you imagine me as a fisherman? I’d be the one claiming to have caught the Loch Ness monster when all I got was a roach 😂😂😂 Still, not bad distance for a 25 quid rif 🤷‍♂️
  14. As a guesstimate I was getting good accuracy out to 75-100m on .25’s. On .20’s I also had 310fps which outperforms my M4 🤪 Mad little thing!
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