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Everything posted by RonLancs


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    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Interesting to see a working setup, any idea what kind of fps it's capable of?


      I tried a few years back as my dissertation project and the only conclusion i could draw was "i dont know enough about electrics"


      Seems like that's running something similar to the mythical BO dynamics one as a springless design.


      Would be great if it could be made to work, all i know is i dont know how to acheive it :P

    3. RonLancs


      Indeed, no idea on FPS but it’s definitely something to look forward to in the future. Veet veet vs pud pud. 

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      The issue is wether or not this could acheive any serious fps.


      Energy wise its feasable (a 1j aeg has about 2.5j of spring energy), but wether or not an electromagnet can translate that well enough in a packagable format is a different story.

  2. Right, every time search on this forum for something it never comes up haha so the one time I don't..
  3. Hi all, Does anyone have any experience with these? The Double Eagle I know are creaky, bendy bits of plastic in bright orange that somewhat resemble an M4 / Pump Shotgun off of Bonny Street Market in Blackpool. https://www.taiwangun.com/assault-rifle-aeg/m907b-fire-control-system-edition-de?from=listing&campaign-id=19
  4. I'd say get something that works rather than a boneyard whether it be a CYMA 506 (68£) or something so you know before you open the gearbox it works. Take it apart clean it etc. That way you know if you've done something wrong. However, each to their own - I learned the hard way and ended up sending a bag of bits to a tech then kicking myself for paying for the work to be done. Looking back I know what the problem was... I love how teching is the 2nd part of the hobby, I enjoy it nearly as much as actually playing. PM me that parts list for under £50 mate!! haha
  5. Honestly, don't get sucked down the rabbit hole of upgrades like I and so many others have. My first gun was a Nuprol Delta Enforcer £219.00 new. The CM.045 was better in almost every way. I threw MONEY at the Nuprol and granted it turned out to be a beast but I would've been more than happy with the CYMA as my first'n.
  6. Absolutely cracking bit of kit. I wish I got it as my first. Only thing I could recommend changing on it would be the air nozzle however this was just for my preference. The hop is absolutely fine and easily slings .28’s. As Shamal says, play with it first or at least put a few mags down your garden.
  7. I had the same problem barring all the upgrades. I put a SHS M4 nozzle in. I couldn’t feel the resistance when I put the box into the hop and there was resistance when moving the nozzle manually on the cylinder head. I replaced the stock nozzle and after a new O-ring and a lube I’m getting 320 FPS with 6 FPS variation. I find CYMA nice and easy to work on. Thanks guys Ron
  8. Sorted the selector. However upon fitting a SHS M4 air nozzle the FPS goes 118 - 290 after I flick it onto auto back to semi. I’m guessing it’s just a gnats pube too short. Aside from modifying another air nozzle to fit are there any other options barring the original nozzle? Ignore, I’ve found the thread.
  9. Fitness is the mantra definitely. My plate carrier is becoming pretty tight.
  10. Yea it does seem bigger... Only one way to find out!
  11. Bonus Quest: Oh, just another quickie. If I got one of them there speed triggers / blade thingy triggers.. Now I'm only assuming and I know the Airsoft gods will thwart me but I'd assume that it'd fit into the v2 gearbox within the CYMA MP5?
  12. Hmmm, I've got new o ring and nozzle coming so when I open it up I can send some images. Would appreciate your input.
  13. Hi all, So I’ve tried uploading a video and it’s too big or some shiz... So when I change the selector from safe to semi it just skips semi and goes half way to auto. When I take it back to semi from auto it engages with semi. It’s been like this since I got it. I’ve had a tinker but nothing seems to have worked. It’s not a biggie but I’m sure someone on here has an idea? Cheers Ron
  14. Nice mate that’s exactly what I’m looking for. Thanks. What’s a fly back mate?
  15. Hi all, I’m looking for a Mosfet for CYMA MP5. I don’t want an internal one, it doesn’t need to be fancy but it needs to fit in hand guard or at the back of the gearbox. I’m using an 11.1 in it at the moment and it runs nicely but I want to save my trigger contacts.
  16. I was interested a week ago mate but again I wouldn’t bother with an ad that doesn’t have actual pictures of the actual item. Just food for thought for any future ads you put up.
  17. I put my foot down and it’s now fixed. Dodgy connector and a locked gearbox. All sorted.
  18. Yea, if it was up to me I’d just fix it as I’m going to service the gearbox anyway. I do feel bad because my Mrs has finally bought an airsoft gun (you don’t realise what this means in Ron world) and when it gets here it doesn’t work. She sees it similarly to Shamal: “I paid for a product and I expect it to work” I’d say fair beans but I don’t think she realises what a ball ache it’s going to be returning it. Either way if anyone’s interested in this battle of wills with TG I’ll keep you updated.
  19. Sorry, I should’ve said. I tried a different battery & adjusting motor height. Maybe I’ll check the motor wires. But how can that be an issue if they’ve supposedly test fired it.
  20. Hi all, So after a year of pecking my Mrs decided to get me a CYMA MP5 Blue edition. Unfortunately it arrived and the motor made a clicking sound and the gear box doesn’t turn over. I could open it up and fix it but my Mrs is adamant she wants to return it. Anyone had problems returning shiz to TG? I understand it may be problematic with what’s going on atm but just thought I’d ask. cheers Ron
  21. Maybe try putting the actual picture of the pistol up mate.
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