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Everything posted by RonLancs

  1. I don’t get the ad’s where it’s just the single picture. “TM NGRS” 1 pic of a generic M4... Oh because it’s a TM you only get a pic and it’s at a premium. If I’m dropping 400£ on a secondhand toy ima need to see up inside that shit. Of course this can be requested later however it’d be nice to see general overview of the piece.
  2. Yea the E-12 I found to be really poor build quality. We all know the Orion gear box is not the best really poor finish, bad air seals and the shim job was sub-par. It’s really put me off the Specna edge range.
  3. F2000 is actually a Blackpool market special
  4. Indeed. You couldn’t even take it through small claims court as I believe it’s now a minimum of £1000.00. Really is a sh***y move. I suppose all we can do is blackball them from forums such as this. When I sell an item it gets to me that people are dubious of me, naturally I understand why but I always go the extra mile to ensure they know all is well with videos, receipts for postage and the like. Gives sellers a bad rep.
  5. It’s obvious why these people operate but I just don’t understand what goes through their minds. Is it desperation or what? Ultimately they’re gonna get caught out. Like surely can’t your bank do something when you don’t receive the item?
  6. I’d feel better if I bought it at a fraction of the price of its competitors if you follow. In stead of spending 300£ on one knowing it’s got issues. That’s the only reason why I’ve not splurged on an MP7 lack of spare parts / upgrades and issues straight out the box. I don’t fancy a GBB version.
  7. I would love a mid price range variation of this RIF. I feel like CYMA the way they’re going could really nail this and I’m sure there’s a gap in the market as PDW’s are super popular at the moment. What do you guys think?
  8. It fires 328 on .28’s? on M100? You got a Crono there?
  9. Aye I believe this thread is from a few years ago tbf probs sorted it now
  10. From what I’ve read the UAR isn’t the best base gun, although that looks cool I read that a lot of work went into the inside of it just for it to meet the minimal standards. It would be a cool project albeit a lengthy one.
  11. The legends are true, Eldorado exists.
  12. Hmm I see what you mean. However I do kinda like the magpully theme that’s been going around with the dual tone. I like how the guys taken the rail of a G36c and slapped it on there. I find the original rail ugly.
  13. Will you sell MP7 individually
  14. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Hi all we have here an ICS M9 Gas blowback bundle. Construction wise it’s all metal and is in excellent condition shoots perfectly at 295Fps no issues. The bundle consists of the following with new prices: ICS BM9 pistol £129.00 Nuprol case £10.00 nuprol lockable retention holster £20.00 extra Mag £20.00 I am asking just £70.00 for the whole bundle all that is listed. collected from Bolton or £80.00 posted via parcel force 48hr tracked and signed for. Ron


  15. I was a woodlander too. I think I enjoy the CQB sites due to my new found timber I’ve piled on over the last couple of years. To the CYMA AK - really impressed. I’ve owned 4 rifs all more expensive than it and it out performs all of them. I agree completely. I was asked politely to “cool off” which has never happened to me as I’m a patient dude. I don’t wanna ruin anyone’s day and we had new guys on our team too I didn’t want to give them a bad impression so I left. With regards to the bouncer comment I think even if they did want to invite them to leave it could’ve got out of hand. I observed social distancing throughout my 55 minute stay but I could smell last nights sesh on the what I believe to be stag do. I wished I’d stayed just to see how the Marshall’s handled it. If any yellows who were at today’s game pipe up and let me know please.
  16. It’s a good site and when you get the regulars you can have a really good time. I just feel like the Marshall's were intimidated by the group and therefore their warning fell on deaf Eastern European ears. I think they did what they could barring becoming bouncers. Im just a disgruntled customer at the end of the day. Just mag dumped 3 mid caps into my garage and now I’m feeling better. PS: really impressed with the CM.045a’s performance cracking little rifle.
  17. Absolutely fine. No issues, must’ve been the temp. Good call *old fosters advert*
  18. Indeed. I wouldn’t have even written a post today should it have been the normal, average day at the Mill. The only thing that would have been salty is the sweat in my stash. I feel better now I’ve had a winge, nicotine and nursed my welts in spoons.
  19. Aye, there was one regular of whom the rentals were with. To be fair to him he seemed to play the game however the G36C’s and the combat machines were having none of it. Definitely put me off from going for a while. Back in the day of old (a year ago) that particular site would not have stood for such behaviour but they seemed to carry on *+ they appeared to be new staff as oppose to pre-COVID. Oh there was even a full auto incident from one of them. Directly into a teammates inner thigh which didn’t go down well as you can imagine.
  20. My regular site. Unfortunately first time rentals aren’t taking hits, blind firing.. the usual for a rental however after the 2nd warning people usually get the message and play the game with some integrity. On this occasion unfortunately this was not the case. For the first time I’ve had to rage quit due to the fact of me loosing my shit and nearly being one of those c**** who take it way too seriously. It was the 2nd game... A true shame and a waste of 20£. The Marshall's are doing what they can and have even called in for support from another site. I’m teetering on whether or not to go back there.
  21. Tis steel mate but I think the paints different. I’m happy with it now. Project finished.
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