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  • Guns
    CA Xm177e2 CA M16A1
  • Loadouts
    Vietnam war
  • Sites
    Skirmish Notts

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  1. Keep an eye on here for their next event http://www.midlandsairsoftfair.co.uk/
  2. This is the initial picture from philipp, followed on WhatsApp by a video of a mk2 with a home made suppressor
  3. Cheere mate yeah seen that one, it's a mk2 and more than the original selling price if I remember correctly!
  4. He's been on to me as I'm after a NE sten mk5, containing me via WhatsApp on new-years day but with a mk2 with a funky home made silencer🤷‍♂️ What a total cockwomble! His profile is still here!
  5. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Anyone out there have a northeast sten mk5 laying about unloved!


    Dronfield, Derbyshire - GB

  6. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    WE XM177 comes with 15 mags(worth£500) pretty much all the mags are brand new and difficult to load! I haven't had the time to use this, preferring the FAL. The gun has stock internals with a restrictor disk fitted to lower its fps and shoots really well. Looking for £550 posted within mainland UK if you're in the Highlands or Ireland, then a contribution will be needed. Any questions ask away


    Dronfield, Derbyshire - GB

  7. After a bit of faffing about I've managed to use half the original nub and now have a fully functioning rif! Gotta say socom where as much use as tits on a gull! Nearly 2 weeks waiting for return label and a general air of🤷‍♂️ won't be giving them anymore of our cash Some serious skills there!
  8. The nub is completely knackered 🤞 Sam at uk Airsoft has something in his spares box! New bucking is already in and the barrel correctly placed Some serious skills there!
  9. Recently received a new S&T Mosin, it's brand new straight out the box and the hop just doesn't! The adjuster was nearly fully unscrewed out the breach, so much so that bb's just rolled out the barrel! Slowly winding on the hop provides absolutely no change🤔 to the point where the adjuster is fully in and the bb's still just roll out the end if the barrel. I've got onto the shop about returning it but they are dragging their feet it's been a week now! Well today I decided to pull the thing apart! And what a surprise was in store! The barrel had been fitted upside down so the grub screw has basically just cut straight through the nub!🤷‍♂️ S&T quality control is awesome 👌
  10. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    This was my lads first rif has an high torque motor fitted and a different lower handguard which is a little loose! Comes with 6 mid cap mags shoots well but not used anymore as he's now got an E&L


    Dronfield , Select a State - GB

  11. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    Had this for 6 months used it twice! Can't see the point in keeping it. £65 posted to mainland UK, Any questions please ask


    Dronfield , Select a State - GB

  12. rsvpiper

    Flektarn jacket


    • For sale
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    Medium 40-42 chest Germany army Flektarn jacket bought for my lad but too small £10+postage


    Dronfield, Derbyshire - GB

  13. Asking for actual user reviews of the various Lee Enfield No4's(Ares,GnG and RWA and the NE sten mk5 I know these stens are discontinued and parts appear to be like rocking horse shite! Or as the UK supplier said they only make the gun but no spare parts!🙄
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