Hey folks, not sure if this has already come up in this thread (I searched and couldn't find anything, and apologies, but I couldn't bring myself to read through all 190 pages of posts) but a quick random one for anyone looking to buy (or having bought and regretted buying) the SAA/Ace 1 Arms PMags:
Have you noticed yours are leaky AF? Mine were. Could barely rattle off 4 shots. So I bought the G&P 'stendos, which seem decent, but still not amazing. However, if you open up the SAA mags and take the release valves out, you'll not only notice that they're standard TM-spec 1911/MWS valves (easily replaced/repaired), but you'll probably also find a seal rattling around the inside of your mag. As you can see from the attached picture, not only have they completely come off the valves, but they're also flat and hard and torn. Replace these with TM or LPE or even WE/Army, and you'll have a way better time with them.
Not sure where SAA/Ace 1 get their seals from, but this is pretty shocking.