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  • Guns
    TM MWS M4A1, GHK AKMN, WE 999C, APS CAM870SF MkIII, TM Glock 17 Gen.4
  • Loadouts
    Waifu Slayer, Airsoft Viking, Flannel Daddy, Black Powder Red Earth
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    Chemical, Red Works, Level2

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  1. I do that between game days, or fill them with an oil-gas mix and purge prior to playing. A lot of people (as you may have recently seen on this thread) really rate GunSav, which I haven't tried yet, but sounds like just the ticket. I tried Molykote in the past when I used to run GHKs and WEs, and that seemed to work great, but it was a bit messy and if you accidentally applied too much and left it, it would go brown and start to smell... With my MWS, just applying a drop of oil once every 3 months or so seems to be enough and the seals have held up really well compared to other competitors in GBBR world.
  2. It is indeed. Just a solid metal stick for appearance's sake. Looks nice and realistic when you can see it running through the inside of an M-Lok handguard, but hardly a functional part.
  3. Ha, I didn't even get as far as the not-allowing-a-full-fill issue. The brass centre pin would fall out of the threaded housing and either into the gas chamber in the mag, or out into a muddy field... I've just measured up my TM and SAA mags and whaddya know? It does sit higher. I know what this evening's shenanigans will be. Nice try! I already spent more money than I'd care to recount on 10 TM mags, 5 SAAs and 5 G&P 'stendos. I'll let someone else foot that bill...
  4. Oh ffs, it's the actual depth the mag is seated at?! You may have just saved me a few quid there - I had some Guarder routers in my basket and was about to checkout. I didn't even think to check that, because I assumed that's something that these companies would... y'know... 'get right'...
  5. Leaky release valves from get-go. Replaced the release valves with some PTS Hi-Capa ones. Leak fixed. Fill valves fell apart on 3 of my 5 mags while in-game (and in a pouch). Replaced with stock TM ones. So far so good. Weird seal issues with the gas router causing really slugging performance and ridiculously low fps (sub 100 on a .2). Replaced that with a RunIn Workshop purple one. Issue continues and I'm not sure why - possibly pushing up on the bottom of the carrier? I'd heard the Guarder routers seem to fix that, but not tried yet. Just feels like I've spent a hell of a lot of money on mags that cost more than stock TM ones and perform way worse.
  6. New GunsModify PMAGs just dropped! Anyone fancy being the AFUK guinea pig? I already wasted a fortune on the Ace1Arms/SAA and G&P offerings...
  7. Now there's a familiar MWS. Looks just like one I saw at the remains of Anzio's wooden Firing Range structure at the end of June...
  8. No worries! Wish I could help more but I've never seen these for sale in the UK and I don't know if you can buy direct as it appears they use their FB page as their business website. If you have a Facebook account it might be worth messaging their page and reaching out to them.
  9. I don't have any of the PTS/LM4 platform rifles, so take this with a grain of salt, but from what I understand this is caused by the mags being 'double-stacked' and the feed lips presenting 2 BBs. The nozzle is supposed to only strip the top BB off the lips, but instead manages to grab 2, causing fun times like you mentioned - more of a design flaw than anything caused by usage or bad QC. I'm also told that this is widespread across all KWA/PTS rifles including the Tavor and ACR/Masada, but is less prevalent in the plastic mags than the metal ones. A company called Unifeed makes replacement lips and followers, which you can use instead of the PTS/KWA ones so that the mag only presents 1 BB to be picked up by the nozzle and hopefully preventing the doublefeed issue. Might be worth looking into them. Left and Right are PTS/KWA magazines as they come out of the factory. Middle is with the Unifeed lips and follower installed.
  10. I'm really happy to know someone else watches these livestreams instead of doing anything productive with their time.
  11. I've actually hit fewer customs charges and taxes since leaving, though that may just be luck on my part. It should be noted that leaving the EU should have had no difference on packages from Hong Kong, but it's not always clear if things are as simple as we mere consumers assume they are. Can't speak for everyone else's experience, but Covid has been more of an impact than Brexit for me. Parcels being quarantined in customs for 2-4 weeks has been a bit of a pain, tbh.
  12. Yeah, just replaced all 5 o-rings and a perfect gas seal now. Used Lees Precision rings from their MWS kit and made sure to keep everything nicely oiled and not overtightened. I've circled the specific one that was missing on all my valves below, (though this is a photo of a different valve brand and not the exact same ones SAA use). If it's missing from your valve, but you can't see/hear it, it may be stuck on the threads the valve uses to screw into place. You might be able to unseat it using a toothpick or a small screwdriver if so.
  13. Hey folks, not sure if this has already come up in this thread (I searched and couldn't find anything, and apologies, but I couldn't bring myself to read through all 190 pages of posts) but a quick random one for anyone looking to buy (or having bought and regretted buying) the SAA/Ace 1 Arms PMags: Have you noticed yours are leaky AF? Mine were. Could barely rattle off 4 shots. So I bought the G&P 'stendos, which seem decent, but still not amazing. However, if you open up the SAA mags and take the release valves out, you'll not only notice that they're standard TM-spec 1911/MWS valves (easily replaced/repaired), but you'll probably also find a seal rattling around the inside of your mag. As you can see from the attached picture, not only have they completely come off the valves, but they're also flat and hard and torn. Replace these with TM or LPE or even WE/Army, and you'll have a way better time with them. Not sure where SAA/Ace 1 get their seals from, but this is pretty shocking.
  14. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Hey folks, got my 6 US Palm AK mags for sale. Skirmished twice, leak free and feed great. Still stiff to load and index into place as they haven't been broken in. Ideally looking to lose the whole lot as a job lot. Looking for £35 each including postage and fees, or would consider letting the lot go for £190.


    Manchester, Lancashire - GB

  15. Haha, I have done that before, and it ended about as badly as you'd expect... But no, it's not so much the sound that I'm interested in, so much as the economy. I lose a lot of gas in the filling process. And contrary to popular opinion, the MWS mags do not actually have a 'blow-off' valve to remove excess. It's a standard TM pistol magazine valve, seated inside a threaded brass 'collar'. My theory is that the TM valves don't have o-rings to prevent gas escaping during filling, and the Nineball ones seat so low that the nozzle from my gas tank isn't long enough to make a perfect seal. I wasn't sure if anyone has managed to overcome the gas escape during filling, and if they had any clever suggestions.
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