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Everything posted by lokkers

  1. No, it's the catch on the receiver that's come off
  2. They do - need to grab some bits from them, but they don't appear to do this part as normally it's pressed to the upper receiver.
  3. WE L85A2. All stock internals at the moment, other than an LFS disc. Externally, replaced the polymer (plastic) foregrip with the Daniel Defence rail (Madbull, I think), and added the top picatinni rail. It's great fun to skirmish! Annoyingly, the dust cover catch has departed the upper receiver, so it's always open now. I need to see if someone can 3D print the part, as you can't get them aftermarket 🙄
  4. First one in 2017 - friends hidden to protect the innocent 😂 Using a Specna Arms M4 Repro Ciras plate carrier (christ that thing was hot) British Army surplus DPM trousers and an MTP UBAC. Second one earlier this year at the AI500 Citadel event TM MWS (L119A1 work in progress). Crye JPC 2.0 3M Peltors FRV shooters belt Real steel pouches Safariland holster with a TM Glock 19 Repro UBAC and trousers PTS Flux helmet. Needless to say it's a bit of a change, and I spend way too much on this hobby 😂
  5. I never heard back from LC Engineering, so my CQBR to L119A1 project is now on hold. Decided to build an URGI upper instead, so I've ordered a 13" rail and barrel nut from HAO. I'm assuming I don't strictly need the low profile gas block and profiled barrel to start with (although I'll definitely get them later for completeness)? Can anyone recommend a good MK16 charging handle in bronze/FDE?
  6. I found ASG Ultra to be about 10-15 FPS higher than Nuprol Green.
  7. Want to move on my railed G&G MP5 as it never gets used Comes with 6 mags (one metal, 5 plastic) and the claw mount for optics. Has been converted to Deans. Bought new in Dec 2018 for £320. Probably had less than 2k rounds through it. Chrono'd yesterday at 285fps on 0.25s.
  8. Ordered some flat admin bags from them (for kit organisation) on the 27th November. Not heard a peep since, and have sent 2 chase emails. Friend of mine ordered on the same day and did ended up getting a Paypal refund. Unfortunately (and because I've bought from them before so trusted them), I used Apple Pay so I'm going to have to raise a dispute via my credit card instead 🙄 There a loads of good kit makers around now so definitely send them your business instead!
  9. That's pretty normal with a gas gun - as the gas expands it cools the gun and magazine rapidly, which has a negative effect on power. You really only want to use the gun on semi, or very short bursts (as you would a real firearm).
  10. I run different things depending on the type of site I'm playing on. If it's CQB or I'm feeling particularly fit, I'll run the JPC and shooters belt. For longer games, or on hot or wet days I'm really favouring a Virtus belt and Jayjays yoke. Loads of space for mags, water, BBs & gas, spare kit and snickers.
  11. I had fun (tan team), but I'd agree - 400 people was too many, and it descended almost immediately into a large skirmish. I don't think the weather helped, as there was naturally a desire to get into the buildings and out of the wind and rain; trouble is that meant lots of congestion. I think it could have been improved with smaller numbers and some additional outside cover (fake barricades, that sort of thing). This would have benefitted both sides, and wouldn't have looked out of place given the scenario. There was definitely a lack of hit taking on both sides, especially when pyro was concerned (it's amazing how many people don't know how far 5 meters is 🙄), and they needed way more marshalls than they had to police that. Hard agree on the lack of chrono though - we found that pretty shocking, as Imperium (Faversham) regularly chronos 200 players each game day. With a little organisation, it can't be that difficult can it... Interesting to hear you complain about the tans "forward respawn on the Sunday" @Impulse, because you enjoyed Sunday afternoon when I believe you had a forward respawn and we couldn't get past Vipers Nest 😂 Hopefully they'll take on board any feedback (although I won't hold my breath), and given it's 20 minutes from me I'll almost certainly give it another go on the next one in 2022.
  12. Honestly, for a first gun I'd get an TM NGRS over a GBBR. Its great out of the box (only need to mod the connectors to deans, and Eagle6/Camoraids will do that for you), the magazines are much cheaper, and it'll work hassle free all year round. You get some "recoil" and stop-on-empty/faux-bolt release immersion too. Then once you've played for a while and you know your playing style, get a GBBR (my recommendation: TM MWS). You can then run the GBB as a primary, but you've got a great secondary if the GBBR isn't suitable. I've got 3 GBBRs (TM MWS, GHK MK18, WE L85) and a TM 416 Delta. I always aim to use a GBBR, because they're way more fun, but I also always take the Delta. Couple of weeks ago the wind was so strong at my local site that in order to be competitive I had to use the 416 - semi-auto just wouldn't have cut it in 15-20mph gusts.
  13. Yeah considering the Ergo - mate has one coming for his GHK URGI, so I'll see if I like it. Would love to see some pics of your L119A1 if you've got any! Was also considering the MOE+! Similar in profile to the A2 I think, but without the nub. I've got a BCM Gunfighter on the GHK, which is lovely, but not correct enough for this build.
  14. I know, it's a very deep rabbit hole to go down! I'll probably draw the line at the correct trades - I'm aiming for a ten foot build (i.e., from 10 feet away you probably can't tell... 🤫). Planning to get the barrel shortened and the FSP lug ground down, and got my eye on a CAR-15 stock from Brownells. The pistol grip might end up as something more modern though - I can't stand grips with the nub, because I have small child-like hands 😂
  15. Holy Jesus, just finished reading the full 216 pages 😂 Here's my newish MWS - started life as a 14 inch M4A1, but just swapped out the barrel for the 10.3. I'd originally planned for it to be a project gun, with my GHK MK18 remaining my primary, but it's just so good I think the TM has usurped the GHK! The plan will be an L119A1/C8 CQB inspired build, so if anyone has any suggestions or advice I'm all ears. I'll be keeping the internal stock (except the SixG nub which is already in there).
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