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Airsoft-Ed last won the day on January 8 2015

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    WE L85A2
    TM H&K 416c Recoil Shock
    WE Glock 17 Gen4
  • Loadouts
    Contemporary British Army,
    Mash up of whatever for convenience
  • Sites
    Skirmish Airsoft, Mansfield
    Skirmish Airsoft CQB, Wentworth
    Skirmish Airsoft The Stan, Sheffield
    Tac House Spartan, Chesterfield
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Airsoft, Gaming, Heavy metal, guns in general. Also, anything that gets you thinking - Love QI, comedians like Tim Minchin, Bill Bailey, sitcoms like Black Books, Coupling, Spaced.
    You get the idea.

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  1. Actually amazed at the number of people my age who are sad Thatcher is dead. Do you all have Tory parents or something? I researched the parties to form my own political agenda and can't see how anyone could be pro right wing =/

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    2. Finius


      I'm not sad about it because I like Tory ideology, infact, nothing pisses me off more. What upsets me is that we've lost a major component of our living history, the first female prime minister, the woman who held the Falklands and taught most of the rest of the world not to take a chance. Moreover, the main thing that angers me is just how happy some people are about someone dying who, all in all, wasn't that bad a person and who above all else has a family and group of friends w...

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      Well I just fail to understand how her supporters can so easily toss the harm and trauma she caused out of the window. My family was ruined by Thatcher, so as far as I'm concerned she can burn in hell.

    4. alwaysontheoffensive


      she had a difficult job, just like any pm, its easy to blame her, but the whole economic climate tc was a shambles, thatcherism was needed to get us where we are now, even if it was brutal at the best of times. (sorry im a politics student thought i'd chip even though i wasn't around)

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