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Everything posted by DerDer

  1. Use the incident as an excuse to buy more optic related equipment. It would never have happened with an elaborate piggy back red dot set up.
  2. Think it is airsoft lightweight. As in aluminum/alloy rather than steel. Roughly at the 3:55 mark.
  3. Looks interesting, like that they have gone with a M4 style hop up unit. In the video he mentions they may release a scope mount. Would make an unusual DMR build choice.
  4. If it does release in April, that's not a bad waiting time from the announcement. The foregrip wasn't great from past memories although it was fairly easy to replace with a surplus handguard. The folding stock model is the one I am interested in. As above, part of the appeal was the standardish gearbox parts. From having an Ares Tavor and VZ58 in the past, wouldn't be going back to the brand anytime soon. The LCT is a curious one. As Colin Allen pointed out, the magazines are a concern. Based on their previous record it will probably be a nice build than the KA model. The King Arms announcement boasting of their Nimh battery doesn't exactly fill me with confidence over them making improvements to the build quality or design. The disassembly between the two models would also be an interesting point to compare and contrast. The KA was a bit of a pig to take down. If the LCT was closer to the Classic Army FAL procedure it would be a point in it's favour. Will be keeping a close eye on feedback on the releases.
  5. The seller is away for a couple of days but for lens protectors would recommend reddotengineering on eBay. https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/reddotengineering
  6. That's great to see. They also have midcaps up for preorder, which is nice.
  7. Seemingly at least one of the variants will be available in a light weight configuration. From the 2025 IWA show.
  8. Small teaser photo from LCT for the IWA 2025 show. That's all on the FN FAL front, they have a similar one for a MP5.
  9. Checked this morning and it's gone. Short note on the landing page. Some good memories.
  10. There were considerable periods yesterday when the site was down.
  11. It's a pity but you could see it coming. The amount of threads that were archived and how little activity there was. Still have fond memories of perusing the photo threads. Also some phenomenal review and technical threads. Will miss it when it's gone. At least they gave a bit of notice.
  12. See on the company's Facebook page that they have the RIS handguards as coming back into stock. Would be a positive sign. Imagine scope mount rails aren't far behind.
  13. Usually bring about half a dozen mid caps and a hi cap per aeg to a site. The hi cap can be useful as a backup or for longer games. If say one of your friends' guns goes down it's a lot easier to loan them an Aeg with a hi cap. Particularly if you are using snowflake magazine guns rather than something Stanag/M4 magazine based. Also depends on the brand, certain models of LCT have proprietary magazines and their midcaps are absolute dreck. So to answer your question a mix of Hi-caps and Mid caps.
  14. Will have to wait and see. The Facebook post describing it as a Ver. 2, might mean an internal tweak or two. Hoping it's closer to the Thompson than say the Galil series.
  15. Interested in a folding stock FAL myself, would probably take a similar view and go with whichever came out first. King Arms can be stingy with the provision of certain variants. For about a decade you could get a Galil SAR no problem at all but a Galil ARM was a nightmare to find in stock. Extremely valid point. Had a G3 from them a few years ago and couldn't get it to reliably feed on midcaps. Similar problems with their newer HK33. Tried even going to the extent of attempting three aftermarket hop units. One wouldn't fit the aeg, the other would but the magazine wouldn't lock in. Third made no improvement over the stock unit. Ending up flogging them to someone at a heavy loss that was happy to put up with Hicaps only. It would be too easy for them to be cross compatible. Still as above, should be a good year for FN FALs. Potentially two AEG models and VFC bringing out some tacticool options on their GBBR line.
  16. Now the $64000 question, go for the King Arms or wait for the LCT version? Curious as to how long they take to get the KA out to retailers.
  17. Realistically you are probably looking at getting one in from abroad. Seemingly Evike, Octagon and tiger111hk have them in stock. The A&K model. https://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/Airsoft-Guns-Upgrade-Parts-Stocks/c5_146/p33388/A&K-5-Position-Retractable-Stock-For-MK46-AEG-LMG-(Black)/product_info.html https://www.evike.com/products/41453/ https://www.octagonairsoft.com/product-page/a-k-5-position-retractable-stock-for-mk46-m249 The more expensive and different option would be a Lambda Defence from Octagon. A lima Stock. Airsoft World have had them in the past if you decide to go this route. https://www.octagonairsoft.com/product-page/lambda-defence-saw-m249-mk46-collapsible-stock Expect a wait for delivery and some addition fees from Customs and potentially Courier handling "charges", if you're importing.
  18. Thanks for keeping us updated, it's nice to see the problem was solved. Guarder selector and tappet plates are often a good call.
  19. Haven't much experience with JGs but quick question, what colour is the selector plate? Some of the ETUs can be temperamental with different colours.
  20. Some of the Specna arms/Cyma AKs are lighter than their LCT/E&L counterparts.In particular, the newer polymer furniture style. If you want an older model style some, of the TM AK47 clones are lighter. Think the G&G AK47s were light to the point of flimsy, so wouldn't necessarily go down that route. A Cyma/Dboys AKS74U might do the trick? The latter is available with polymer body.
  21. Hopefully we get an entertaining video out of it. Would be too convenient for the brands to be cross compatible.
  22. Think the Team Wendy helmets in XL, fit up to 63cm. So either a genuine or a knock off, might be an avenue worth exploring?
  23. If you're a AEG user, you might get a closer looking pistol grip than has been previously available. One positive.
  24. Pretty much everything in airsoft is overpriced compared to say a Cyma platinum. I'm glad to have a aeg FN FAL, particularly after a decade of the King Arms version being rarer than rocking horse poo. The higher quality externals/lower quality internals is acceptable for some. Look at VFC/ARES aegs too. Part of the price paid for snowflake replicas unfortunately.
  25. Use of some steel or at least better quality metal would be welcome. Some of the previous iterations suffered from cocking handles falling off and sights getting damaged. On the design front imagine they should go for a standard ak/short motor length. Not faffing around with a medium size one. The other models people have gotten various ETUs to work with, so should be decent on that front. LCT are usually good at making spares available so that's also a plus.
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