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Nick G

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Nick G last won the day on November 19 2023

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  • Guns
    Scar, MP5, XR5 , Glock 18 , WWII spec 1911, L96, AKSU, L119 A1, plus many others !
  • Loadouts
    Assorted British army surplus
  • Sites
    Survival Airsoft in Torrington
  • Gender
  • Location
    North Devon
  • Interests
    Cars, Guitars and Airsoft !

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  1. What brand is the M4 ? If its a WE then KYairsoft should be able to supply pretty much anything you might need.
  2. KS1 looks decent , but that 'L119 A2' is, at best, a 'looks a bit like' Ok for an inspired by loadout .
  3. Its a while since I had a mates SCAR apart , but I think that looks right. I'd suggest taking the selector out and flipping it end over end and try re installing . See if that does it.
  4. My DE has a real steel ERGO grip on it
  5. I have 2 WE based L119's , I also now have the DE N4 . There are pros and cons to both. Available upgrades for the N4/MWS are certainly plentiful. However it doesn't kick as hard or frankly feel as robust as the WE's . It's a nice platform though , hop adjustment is certainly quicker than the WE . Mine has had the usual barrel , hop ruber and nub replacement . My WE's have had the same , barrel , rubber and nub . Beyond that they are stock, I know some folk decry WE internals , but I'have never had a failure in either of them (or any of my other WE GBBRs) that wasn't down to user error. Thousands of rounds through them and the bolt locks are still working fine. And most real steel furniture fits the WE, MWS I believe is a bit more selective. Mine have run happily down to under 5 degrees with careful mag management , any colder than that and I'm not playing ! I honestly dont find anything in it in terms of range and accuracy betwenn the WEs and DE Go with whichever you fancy, based on my experience you wont be dissapointed with either.
  6. Sounds like it could be.
  7. Do you mean the crenalations at the front that fit into the back of the hop unit ? If so , losing most of those wont stop the gun from working properly . Possibly losing all of them wont actually cause an issue. One of mine is missing a pretty substantial section after I got heavy handed sorting out a broken up BB that got wedged in there after a miss feed .
  8. Possibly, but I can only speak from experience . Mine have all been solid and continue to perform well with no issues. Ran the L119 A1 last Sunday untill the cold got to me and I called it a day. Gun ran flawlesley. What actually 'broke' ? the casting itself ? nozzle ? nozzle spring ?
  9. That's not my experience . Both my L119's have had many thousands of rounds through them as has the L85. G3 and MP5 are relativly recent additions, but I've never had a compnant in the trigger box's fail. A mate did when some numpty forced his 119 into safe without cocking it first, so that was user error. I have had way more issues with RATech parts than with the stock WE ones tbh. Same with my pistols, never had to replace parts due failure ( except the HiPower valve knocker which is fragile) despite some very hard use .
  10. Firing full auto when on semi will be wear in the trigger parts. So either a replacement trigger box or the internals should fix it. As ButcherBill said , KYairsoft are good for WE parts, I use them regularly for bits .
  11. 40 , I've got guitar picks older than that ! I'm mid 50's (actually play with a bunch who go by the Old Gits) but there are a couple of regulars at our local who are older than me. Welcome to the madhouse , have fun with it , call your hits and play any style that you like. It's all just dress up and toy guns at the end of the day .
  12. Nice Caterham on the screen too !
  13. The Christmas DE N4 with a couple of extras. Genuine Ergo grip ( they are just so comfortable) the stock is the one from my GBB L119 A2 as an experiment. I'll be gaming it on Sunday so will try both stocks to see which I prefer.
  14. Omega nub now fitted and working very nicely . Best guess at hop setting then a mag full of tracers down the garden. .30's overhopping a smidge so a small adjustment required when I can get out in daylight.
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