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Nick G

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Nick G last won the day on November 19 2023

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    Scar, MP5, XR5 , Glock 18 , WWII spec 1911, L96, AKSU, L119 A1, plus many others !
  • Loadouts
    Assorted British army surplus
  • Sites
    Survival Airsoft in Torrington
  • Gender
  • Location
    North Devon
  • Interests
    Cars, Guitars and Airsoft !

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  1. 40 , I've got guitar picks older than that ! I'm mid 50's (actually play with a bunch who go by the Old Gits) but there are a couple of regulars at our local who are older than me. Welcome to the madhouse , have fun with it , call your hits and play any style that you like. It's all just dress up and toy guns at the end of the day .
  2. Nice Caterham on the screen too !
  3. The Christmas DE N4 with a couple of extras. Genuine Ergo grip ( they are just so comfortable) the stock is the one from my GBB L119 A2 as an experiment. I'll be gaming it on Sunday so will try both stocks to see which I prefer.
  4. Omega nub now fitted and working very nicely . Best guess at hop setting then a mag full of tracers down the garden. .30's overhopping a smidge so a small adjustment required when I can get out in daylight.
  5. Thanks for that . The nub fits fine , but rather than faff about I'll swap in an Omega .
  6. Got my N4 yesterday as a Christmas present from the wife. Started fitting the bits today that I pre ordered. Ergo grip feels nicer in the hand and is a more comfortable angle for me. 250mm Crazy jet has gone in along with a Flamingo rubber and a Jaeger precision nub. Nice consistant 1.1j now which is ideal. However , my usual GBB weight .30's are heading for the moon with the hop fully off Lol. .36.s seem ok with the hop still off. I think I might need to either go back to the stock nub or run the N4 on heavier ammo . All my other GBBRs are set up for .30's as a good compromise , but will game it a bit and see , I don't mind going heavier for an indevidual gun.
  7. I believe the AA version is pretty much a clone of the WE G36. If that's the case there is (from memory) a spring and ball detent fitted to each selector lever. The selectors can be removed easily enough , well worth checking to see if stronger springs would help. Parts breakdown of the WE below.
  8. Gas Gas Gas ! I pretty much only run GBBR's now. I took my aeg AK to the last game day and even ran it for a game, but it just felt so 'Meh' compared to the gas ones. Mine are a mix of brands, I have several WE's and a couple of VFC's ( there is a DE Noveske under the tree for tomorrow) . I never feel out gunned, just adjust play style to suit and then double tap the spray and pray bunch . I generally run 5 or 6 mags and a speed loader for a game. 2 plus BB lodas to a gas fill gives me between 300 and 400 rounds which is ample. Heavier BBs work well on GBBRs, I run .30's for a good compromise on weight and cost, but they will all happily run heavier. Playing in cold weather just requires good mag management to keep them warm. I use green or red gas in them depending on temperature, although the VFC M249 now runs pretty much exclusivly on CO2 . Maintenence wise , they are simple to work on and it's usually just a strip , lube and barrel clean after a game day. Mine have all proved completely reliable , I cant remember having a failure that wasn't my own fault. No AEG will ever offer the level of imersion that a GBBR does, but you have to want that play style.
  9. Thanks. I'm tempted to do the same on my WE/Umarex one.
  10. Very nice ! GBB ? and if so, how tricky was it to fit the genuine lower ?
  11. Not really, although I seldom run it with the ACOG and when I do I use the doctor red dot on the wing mount. I usually run it with a 552 style red dot.
  12. They wake a good base for an L119 , mine top, a mate's during his build below.
  13. The TM version , although it probably doesnt matter tbh. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/375751916100?_skw=airsoft+l96&itmmeta=01JE3PED4W1XAVTJRZJPF83NHZ&hash=item577c8f3a44:g:R24AAOSwnv9nIhnq&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKl3iqrEk1gAnhQqbbM3hn8us1OvEsPUNrCxyDc2%2FAkA8TH%2FVSszUX1u5DwxKAx4Z22mBClwSYdx81%2B28j41xkl8IzIO2LvFlLT7Q6DNH3Qvy5LcjzbVU7BSfmundc9k2o8AW71aLUZeUhnIJrIli089NjwYz2HD1ONG%2BBAJuAv89u%2B6I3fixtDq5bOenc32j2Y2IE%2FACogie0QqDBRZgb4v%2BEcoQ1OAN7b7y0p1IoE1H4ywhtPkaOG73i5MftGFCvk%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR8TSufbwZA I used this one.
  14. Yep , that's the Torrington one . The metal loading fin is a handy mod. Hopefully it's at battle rifle power level, they are so much fun to run that way.
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