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Arwen last won the day on August 15 2018

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  • Guns
    G&G Viper
    EMG/APS Ar-15 Falkor Defence Recce
    WE Little Bird
    TM MK23 Socom
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  1. My G&G TR16 (stock gearbox) double feeds a lot when using the top battery in this photo (the nuprol battery) Under advice from Sam at KoA I started using the bottom battery, with a higher C rating. Cured the double feeding completely with no noticable additional wear to the motor. Unfortunately I cannot remember if it was the burst or the continuous C number that Sam said was important 😅
  2. If you don't have your hand in the air, your not dead to me, so you get shot at. It's sneaky tactics, but if noone on the opposing team even challenge/called out to them to ask or remind them to put their hand up if they were hit, then they were not being observant.
  3. I was out taking photos again on saturday. It was damp and windy, about half the trenches were still filled with about 2.5ft of water and a lot of the grass was boggy. Had two folk fall into the trenches and one do a spectacular slide/slip into the boggy bit. Sadly I missed them all with the camera! Numbers were on the low side, but I reckon thats cause the forecast was awfull.
  4. I'd say ask Sam at KoA. He's probably tested a whole host of batteries in them and knows what fits and what doesn't. @Adolf Hamster, that looks like it almost belongs on a small motorcycle! 😳
  5. You can buy the machined out pad direct from KoA if you already have the stock - https://www.kingdomofairsoft.com/product-page/genuine-magpul-ctr-extended-buffer-pad
  6. Looks fantastic for that enviorment! I've been taking photos at my local site on and off for while, I've noticed boots are a common thing that sticks out for snipers. The other is the bolt on a lot of snipers. If they are shiny ( either through use or by design) they end up glinting in the sun, like a little beacon. I've seen many snipers that get those covers for their scops to stop the reflection, but don't think about the other shiny bits on them or their guns. Some saftly specs can also do it, mesh seems to work much better in this case. I was playing this sunday as VSA in Dundee. Picked up my Falkor Recce from KoA on saturday after Sam had many headaces getting it working properly for the first time in it's life. It shoots very well now, range is ace although the hop is still bedding in I reckon as it's not totally accurate all the time. Something to keep an eye on... Game day was a bit of a mixed bag. Lots of newer players again, which was interesting this time. Many of them seemed to think their hire guns could range the whole of the site and were repeatedly vocal about the "no hit taking", even after various folk demonstrating their range. Also had a few players with their own guns having the same problem... 🤔 For the first time in ages it seems I had proper issues with fogging glasses. The temp was around 10-12 degrees but rather misty/drizzle which wasn't helping matters. I borrowed some Cat Crap from a friend after a few games and oh wow! I should have bought this stuff ages ago. It's getting delivered to me tomorrow now.
  7. I'd be testing that the bb's themselves don't shatter. Other than that, if it's not a high fps through the chrono then invite marshels to be shot with it to see if they can tell the difference or not.
  8. Looks like the same kinda mask, but the one in the picture is mesh rather than lenses.
  9. Awesome work! I try doing this every so often, however I end up getting cramp in my legs/arms after about 5 min. We had a game day yesterday, I was shooting with my camera rather than a rif (pictures here) however. Lots of new players, which suprised me to be honest but with some guidance from the more experienced players it turned out to be a really great day. New players taking their hits and not being scared of running to the front lines as it were 😁
  10. This is Pan, one of my many axolotls.
  11. Urgh that sounds so frustrating. Hope they get it sorted quick for you if you send it back.
  12. That intruder sounds interesting! I'd love a newer shape Africa twin. But I look like a child when I sit on it... Feet dangling about 4" from the floor 🤣
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