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Adolf Hamster

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Adolf Hamster last won the day on October 21 2023

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  • Guns
    F2000 & aksu aeg's, m4, mg42 and aksu hpa's
  • Loadouts
    whatever works! (smersh, smersh works)

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  1. Dude, trying to put my Makarov back together - how the hell do you get that wee slither of hop arm to engage with the hop adjustment wheel properly?  Seems impossible


    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      you gotta have the hop turned all the way off before trying to re-insert the barrel/hop unit.


      it's a bit of a bastard, i already wrecked one hop wheel by being too ham-fisted with it.


      edit: you can at least get it started with the wheel wherever it wants, only the last mm or so of travel does it actually engage.

    2. EvilMonkee


      All the way off is to the right isnt it?


    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i cannot remember lol, you're gonna need to get a torch out and have a look.


      i *think* it's all the way to the right but don't quote me on that....

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