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Adolf Hamster

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Adolf Hamster last won the day on October 21 2023

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  • Guns
    F2000 & aksu aeg's, m4, mg42 and aksu hpa's
  • Loadouts
    whatever works! (smersh, smersh works)

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  1. well, game on tomorrow and the only working gun is the mg42.


    oh what a terrible life i'm leading....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      it is, but not as bad as you'd think when you consider you don't need any spare mags/speedloaders/other random paraphernalia just the gun and a bag o bb's

    3. Monkman


      I need to convince my lazy mate who owns a M249 to sell it to me...He hasn't played since October.  Just the gun and nothing else does sound very appealing.  :)

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      definately a good idea man, support guns offer a completely different kind of fun when you can do actual suppressive fire and hold an entire team at bay.


      most fun i've ever had airsofting was when i borrowed a mate's m60, only time i've seen people blatantly not taking hits and not got annoyed about it because i'd killed them about 20 times per person and i sympathised with the hopelessness of their plight.


      admittedly you can get the same effect with an arp9 and a drum mag for the same weight as just the stock on the mg, but there's something so satisfying about having a freaking massive gun.

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