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Adolf Hamster

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Adolf Hamster last won the day on October 21 2023

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  • Guns
    F2000 & aksu aeg's, m4, mg42 and aksu hpa's
  • Loadouts
    whatever works! (smersh, smersh works)

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  1. welp, busted my 2 working aeg's yesterday, had to end up running around with the vsr which does not shoot well enough to be effective.

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    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      high rate of fire+high rate of cheaters=busted guns


      kinda sad the ak died, it's the gun i'm very intentionally not messing with so it'd be reliable but something died on it trying to convince a speedsofter he'd been hit.

    3. Prisce


      Not meaning to sound harsh, but either you are asking to much of these guns, or you haven’t put them together right. 


      A team mate has a G&G predator that is sitting at 348fps at 62rps (😏 DSG), and I can hold that down till the hi cap is empty rinse and repeat and it won’t break. 


      Something doesn’t quite add up!

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      quite possibly, both are mainly stock internals, must admit i was hoping the f2000 would have held up better, twas only running 25rps full stroke.


      the ak was stock jg apart from an shs piston, but it was being fed 11.1.


      so not that bad really, i could forgive the m4 as that was sitting around 60rps full stroke, given up pushing that gun just gonna hpa it.

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