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Everything posted by Skara

  1. Nice.

    Parcel blocked by customs.


    What a fucking nice way to start the week.

    1. EDcase


      Maybe they just have a backlog

    2. Skara


      Hope so.

      I don't want to end up paying a Visionking scope more than a Vortex one tbf.

    3. Skara


      That cunt eBay seller declared a €1 value on the package.

      That's why it's stuck in customs.


      Waiting for a letter so I can send my Paypal receipt...

  2. Tfw you're getting your car serviced but it's corona time and the garage feels more like a hospital than a garage :/

    1. Jedi_Master


      I was lucky that mine was booked in a few weeks ago, just prior to social distancing and school closures. There was lots of hand sanitiaser available to use every time you got a coffee from the machine or picked up packet of biscuits.

    2. Skara


      Was talking about the mechanics wearing surgical masks, gloves and being dressed in white painter suits rather than the usual mechanic fatigues xD


      The garage itself was empty so I got in and out in just 20 minutes :)


      Now I need to service my LPG tank, and it's gonna be a pain in the ass as the revision centre is closed...

  3. It's lockdown for everyone but me. I'm still working I wish I could craft my ghillies but I cannot source the materials I need and I can't go to my field. I guess I'll keep looking for the last pieces of kit I'm still missing (a holster, Source bladder, rifle retention thingy, other bits and bobs), a bit of teching and fiddling with possible sniper rigs. Stuff I should have done ages ago but never had the time to. And getting back to piloting shit in ArmA 3, recently fixed my head tracking device too.
  4. Emperion they also have MR hops in stock. next order I'll buy a couple to try out along with macarons, tensioners, a holster and a source hydration kit.
  5. WE g17 mag Maple Leaf 50° Decepticon rubber Maple leaf I-Key. All going into a TM G17.
  6. It appears I won't be playing for a while :(

    1. Skara


      Heh. it sucks, but I guess I have some time to fix stuff and start crafting my ghillies :)

  7. That SVU seems intriguing. But that fucking gearbox though.
  8. Edit: my bad, I thought you were the other dude asking about the SSP.
  9. TM g17 Bought for €25 Now if that's ain't a bargain I have no fucking clue what it is.
  10. Great news, I can now be a Licking Cumstain wannabe too! This just arrived, Kryptek Highlander leaf suit, €30 shipped from China Numba Wuhan. Gorgeous colours but very flimsy (as most leaf suits). Pants will serve as rifle camo + material to glue/tie onto the viper hood. This instead was bought 2nd hand for a ludicrous €23 shipped. The colour is abysmal, it's supposed to be tan/brownish but it's almost pink instead. Both will need modification and a tiny bit of crafting, as I'll rely on local vegetation a lot, especially with the hood.
  11. The stock Striker air seal is surprisingly good, on mine it was pretty much 100% seal. I have some doubts on the parts used, as the stock brass cylinder can't even handle a SP100, let alone a that behemoth of a spring he claims he's put in. I expect it to fail within 3 magazines. The stock hop rubber can't lift more than 0.30s without jamming so I doubt he's pushing 0.48s out to 80 metres. I smell bullshit all over the place.
  12. Her Ugliness is even more hideous now. The icing on the cake is this though Really vomit inducing sound hog. And this, because every man at some point in life owns a Glock
  13. That's gorgeous, I wonder what the 9.3" would look like on my ARP 😈
  14. Having unspent monies can lead to terrible things :(

    1. Cr0-Magnon


      Remove the temptation, send it to me!

    2. Skara


      They're all gone in taxes already -.-

  15. So.


    A 15 yo tried to rob an off duty cop and his gf with a toy gun (doesn't specify if airsoft or IF), got schwacked pretty hard as he took one to the face, 2 to the chest and one in the arm, then got carried to the hospital where he later died.


    The boy already had troubles with the law, as did his father and one of his brothers. This episode happened in Naples, which is the same as Marseille but they all speak Italian.


    When the family heard about the boy's death, they literally destroyed the hospital's ER causing harm to personnel and other "guests".


    Now the mother is complaining that the cop, with an alleged firearm aimed at him, should have:

    1) recognized it was a toy gun, even if there was no red tip or anything, at 3 AM in what appears to be a rather dark street

    2) shoot the kid in the legs because of course he's gonna carefully aim at the kid's feet instead of putting as many shots as possible to neutralize the threat.


    Also her later in the news, when asked about her family being a bunch of criminals:

    "committing a crime or two is ok"



    This country is fucking beautiful xD

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Rogerborg


      "Seemed to remember it being a woman and in a video clip."


      Full disclosure, I know full well which one you mean, but I loves me a good debunking.


      This 'un is real:




      See also:



    3. Skara


      This is how deep down the drain we have gone as a civilization.

    4. djben9


      i dont think some of us can see the light anymore! :lol:

  16. Just break his wrist. Can't beat you if he can't hold a gun
  17. Until the mag decides to fuck itself into oblivion. I have yet to see a co2 mag lasting more than a couple of fame days.
  18. No way he's pulling a m160 with the stock cylinder without tearing it apart. Fun fact, the right side of the gun isn't even shown. Dreamer of the week confirmed.
  19. It's more of a temperature/energy output matter. I run a 50 and it lifts 0.4s just fine, but I am limited to 1J so I stick to 0.30s If you live in a cold area a softer rubber (50-60) is recommended over a harder one (75+) After all you're not going full auto at 50 rps chewing through it in a matter of days.
  20. I have too many LiPos and my phone doesn't last a day. So, for the exorbitant price of €5,50 I have just bought a LiPo to USB converter Will be useful for long tournaments as I don't have to buy, charge and remember a big power bank Link for those interested
  21. May I suggest to apply a small section of heat shrink to the cylinder head? I assume the leak happens between that and the hop rubber lips because I guess the latter are a tad too large. Or a dental floss mod (a really old school trick to have more consistent hop and a bit more air seal)
  22. Same. I was so hyped about it, but then: Price tag Proprietary everything Good fucking luck finding spares and magazines. The last bit of "innovation" was the NGRS series. Until P* comes out with their full auto Kythera. And maybe a recoil simulating HPA kit that doesn't cost €1000.
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