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Status Updates posted by Skara

  1. @L3wisDwant some abortion pills in Abu Dhabi? :D

  2. Just finished my daily dose of ebola (study), turned on the tv to watch a movie..

    There's this "Doomsday" movie going on, sounds ok to watch.


    20 minutes in and I already regret my life choices..

  3. Okay.

    Combat Union chamber properly fitted (I think), power went up slightly from 0.9 to 0.92/0.93.

    In the meantime, the SHS nozzle in my M4 bought the farm, 0.05J and serious feeding issues, so switched back to the stock one (which is fucking useless as it doesn't seal for shit)..


    One day I'll get good at teching, I promise.

  4. Alright.

    Time to spend some more beer tokens on airsoft.


    Problem is, what do I want/need? 🤔

  5. Ghetto acog completed!


    The mount is a tad too long for the optic, as you can see the front spacer is offset..

    Also I couldn't mount the dot on the rear rail , but it doesn't bother me..





  6. So, apparently those level 5 certified techneeeeechans are cold calling Italian numbers as well..


    Too bad they gained access to my VM and got all their crap deleted xD

  7. Turns out the Ares M-Lok rail comes with 6 shit screws that are too short, they only engage the barrel nut threads by idk, not even a full rotation.

    Luckily I had some steel ones, same size, but a mm longer.

  8. Just got back from a tournament..

    Not hard at all, although we failed one objective (time ran out)...

    Just another casual 1st place ;)

  9. Watching a couple of walkthroughs.

    Found a 15 hours long Metro Exodus gameplay video.


    Fuck me.

  10. Belt on delivery next week :D

  11. Maxx chamber acquired.

    Sport version at my local retailer, I wanted the pro solely for the bb retention thingy (that I can manually unlock), so I guess I'll just knock out the spring from this one.

    Performance wise, it seems to give a much flatter trajectory to them 0.32s compared to the stock specna chamber and the range seems to have increased to just shy of 70 metres (70° MR).


    In the meantime my 933 shat itself -.- it jams in full auto

  12. Does anyone have any experience with Perun Optical mosfets?

  13. Out with the Titan and Perun Optical, in with the Hybrids!

  14. Shortened M90, short stroked by 2, still 1.02J -.-

  15. What a sad sack of shit I am.


    I also need a better belt, this one keeps sliding down (that's what you get for being a poor, cheap fuck)

  16. 2.56 AM.

    4 hours of sleep.

    4 hours drive to do and 8 hours of tournament.


    Kill me please.

  17. Just received my new Valken Sierra goggles..

    I'll test them on sunday and maybe write down a few lines to review them!

  18. Heavy rain expected for tomorrow..

    Just when I bought new pieces of gear -.-

  19. TFW you work long hours and you can't sort your guns:


    Out of 4 AEGs, only one is in working order...

  20. It looks like I won't be buying an Ares.


    Never again I shall lose my sanity after such shit guns.

  21. Had a nice game, but the arp died :(

    tappet plate committed suicide, and I believe the piston rack followed the example..

  22. Binary triggers are excellent meme dispensers xD

    Can't wait to test it on Sunday 

  23. Alright, trying the infamous "bevel to pinion" shimming method..

  24. Perun ETU upgrade test tomorrow :)


    May even write a "first impressions" review.

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