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Skara last won the day on February 24 2023

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About Skara

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  • Guns
    Cyma CM.045, Specna C-02 and C-08, KA 9mm PDW, Action Army T-11,2x AAP-01, TM MK23 and G17.
  • Loadouts
    God's Plaid and Ranger Green, with a sprinkle of A-Tacs FG thrown in.
  • Sites
    Private Team Site (Italy)
  • Gender
  • Location
    La Spezia, Italy
  • Interests
    Scuba Diving, Ski, MTB, Bushcraft, Mechanical stuff, Architecture.

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  1. Let's play a game:

    Guess what makes my AK mosfet overheat and shut down?


    (I have no clue btw, I am opening it right now)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Skara


      Mosfet is brand new btw and I've put around idk, 400 shots through it? :P


      My guess is that the last time I worked on it (swapped gears, short stroked and installed the new mosfet) I slightly messed up the bevel gear's shimming, so that now it's too tight against the pinion and creates enough unnecessary friction to overheat the wiring (so the mosfet goes in protection mode and shuts itself down).

      This issue happened on a very warm day to say the least (it was mid summer and about 35/36°) and I haven't touched the gun since.


      As I said earlier I only use 7.4s in that gun because that's all it can fit.


      @ak2m4yes, loads of grappa, especially in this temperature :D

    3. Lozart


      @AirSniper I very much doubt that something as fundamental as back emf protection is missing form the Perun MOSFETs.


      I would also highly doubt that @skara has used this gun enough to "wear out" the MOSFET.


      More likely that a wire has got trapped putting the gearbox back in.

    4. AirSniper


      MOSFETs heating up are usually down to current draw.


      So either too much current or too much demand is being placed on the mosfet.

      If you have swapped out the motor, try with the original in and if its all OK then its the new motor.

      To find the fault you need to go through and test each part you messed with.

      Process of elimination will lead to the faulty part and just because something is new... does not mean that it s in working order..!

      Check the coil resistance, for all you know, you may have a malformed coil in the motor...

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