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Skara last won the day on February 24 2023

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Cyma CM.045, Specna C-02 and C-08, KA 9mm PDW, Action Army T-11,2x AAP-01, TM MK23 and G17.
  • Loadouts
    God's Plaid and Ranger Green, with a sprinkle of A-Tacs FG thrown in.
  • Sites
    Private Team Site (Italy)
  • Gender
  • Location
    La Spezia, Italy
  • Interests
    Scuba Diving, Ski, MTB, Bushcraft, Mechanical stuff, Architecture.

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  1. Starting to question the effectiveness of maple leaf rubbers...

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    2. Steveocee


      I can only echo what @Adolf Hamster is saying. Never had any luck with maple leafs myself but PDI W hold is a real dark horse.

      They only come in 50 or 70 but my buddy has a 50 he's been running for a couple years in a DMR and it flicks 36's out new issues.

      Possibly going to try some 32s myself on a <350 build in a few weeks so will wait and see.


      Bonus of a W hold though is you don't need a concave nub.

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      @Skara makes sense, i'd normally run 50's but then i'm not dealing with an italian summer :P


      @Steveocee yeah, i'm running a 1j limit so the W-hop can't go much further than .3g but i can see it being more effective with a bit more energy behind it.

    4. Skara


      I firmly believe ML's rating chart is naff, or that they should make a dual hardness rubber.

      70/75 on the feed lips, 50 on the patch. That would be super awesome as you still maintain rigidity on the lips but at the same time have a rather soft patch that doesn't require much pressure.



      I'm also gonna buy a CU hop chamber for the ak because I just broke the fifth C clip -.-

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