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Gepard last won the day on February 19 2019

Gepard had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    CM16, CM16 Mod 0, ICS L85A2, WE G19 G4, ASG M40A3, LCT AKM
  • Loadouts
    British Infantry (Afghan MTP, Iraq DPM)
  • Sites
    Alpha 55, Outpost, The Ex Site, Bristol Airsoft, Spartan Airsoft,
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  • Interests
    Flying, shooting, gaming.

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  1. Love how I can fly direct to Brussels and get a return flight to London for £50 meanwhile a train from Chester-London would cost me more than double that. 


    Or take a coach for a tenner each way? How come rail is so expensive? :lol:




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rogerborg


      If this is a non-rhetorical question, then the answer is a State monopoly + cartel deals + private profit + socialised losses.  It's quite literally the worst of all possible worlds.

    3. Albiscuit


      Privatisation is a bitch!!

    4. SgtTalbert


      What I always enjoy about these statements (whether its a slow day in the news or a forum post) is the fact they have gone off to find something 'cheaper' that you wouldn't expect to be cheaper. Now me? I either go, fcuk thats expensive and still pay it or I don't. I don't then tend to go hunting for things that should be more expensive than a train fare and then aren't. Having said all that, train travel is a rip off.

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