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Everything posted by Monkman

  1. Time for some 'Pew Pew Pew' tomorrow... :)

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      I think i shall be mostly "pew pew pew, pew pew" for the attacking games and "pewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpew" for the defending games.


      Well, thats assuming the f2000 is working otherwise it'll just be the latter interspersed with terminator quotes

  2. Sunday I am going to tryout PaintballPark in Kidderminster for a Airsoft OpenDay...Irony is 20+ years ago I used to be a paintball marshal there. :)


  3. Today I am going to march up and around the Malvern Hills...Because it's sunny and I'm feeling good.


    1. Albiscuit


      Love hiking!!

  4. Decided that I could do with some real good eyepro, instead of the cheap ones from Amazon!!! 😲 'Used' pair of Revision Sawfly's...and they are great! Not a scratch on any of the three lenses..well impressed and only £25.75 inc P&P. (Also bought a bag of 20x Revision lens wipes a while ago..and they work great for fogging)
  5. It's finally arrived and after some trial and error..finally managed to get one of my four problem batteries 'balanced' correctly. Challenge is going to be the one lipo which has one cell @ 1.8v!! But will try the NiMh trick and see if I can get that charge up. (4 good batteries f*cked up by crappy Nuprol charger)
  6. Thought it got lost on the way from China, but the little helmet rail mounted tac light has turned up. Though it's not the brightest, it has Red light and IR light function too. Might try newer batteries in it.
  7. Cough....Umm, I get 1080p version from a private forum. LOL...love what HDOnline has done there....using a promo picture of rival tv show "SIX" for the Seal Team show..lol To be honest both SIX & SEAL TEAM are pretty good. (Though I havn't seen any new episodes of SIX come out for quite a while..I hope it's not been cancelled)
  8. I'm up to episode 15 atm...it's a very good show, attention to detail is great. (I'm a gear whore when it comes to tv/movies..lol))
  9. Decided that I'd rather have a 2nd tracer unit to accompany my Acetech Predator...so got a package from Asiaairsoft.com today with a knock off of a knock off of the Knights Industries surpressor. It's quite a bit smaller and no markings what so ever, but build quality seems to be ok so far and will test it out soon. But on a sour note, I also was expecting a helmet mounted flexible light...but I guess they forgot to put it in the package, the invoice shows two items, but only one came. So hopefully the boys in China will sort things out for me as they have been quite helpful in the past. The tracer unit is a Army Force Knights full auto tracer for £30. (So will see how long the little fella lasts)
  10. Thanks...I bought an Acetech Predator tracer/suppressor unit a while ago and used it @ The Outpost the other week. The Quick detach function is very handy as my ICS was too hot to play, so just plonked it onto my Nuprol and commenced with the light show in pitch black tunnels.
  11. Been after a chronograph for quite some time. Decided to buy an Acetech AC6000 one. It allows you to programme in different BB weights etc..and measure joules as well. It's a very nice piece of kit, also quite a bit larger than normal chronographs. (Nuprol etc..) Time to sling some plastic and see whats what..
  12. Recently purchased a few nice items from them and at good prices as well...quite impressed and added to my fav bookmarks. Will be buying some kit from them, once I find some more money..
  13. I got my Spectre replica from Amazon.... I specifically wanted the 1-4x zoom version with red dot on the top. Quality is good and it does weigh quite a bit as it's all metal. The sight is adjustable for zeroing, but the red dot is not very adjustable. Illumination of the sight is just a red/green dot on the centre of the crosshairs of varying levels. There is even a flashider which acts as a handy shield against BB's. I saw unbranded versions of the Spectre in JDAirsoft with a fixed x4 zoom for £199... Mine was £150. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00ULRCVRC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 **As Wo1f just said...they don't hold zero when you flip the zoom....but I have found that while I have zero'd it for x4...playing with it @ x1 zoom for shorter ranges, you only need to make a slight adjustment to where your shooting....
  14. Package from China finally came in today.....almost 2 months late. One G&P AN/PEC15a....which is going on my ICS CQB. Very happy with it and is of very good quality as well. (Both G&P & ICS..lol)
  15. Got my CQB pew pew today... ICS CXP CQB, added on my flashlight, C-More reflex sight and an Acetech Predator suppressor/tracer unit. Just awaiting on Royal Fail to deliver my G&P AN/PEC15a. Looks like I will need to get a smaller front grip as my spare one i've put on is a little tall.
  16. Seeing as things didnt work out with the classic army m203 which was broken...supplier offered me a S&TM320A1 launcher at cost price as a replacement for only a few extra £££. Its heavy...but am loving it so far, cant wait to try it out on a game day.
  17. Appreciate the offer...supplier has offered me a really good deal on a S&T M320 grenade launcher, which can be used mounted/un-mounted. I see a lot of of the Classic Army M203's for sale...but the mounting kit is something you have to buy extra. No kits available in the UK, mainly sourced from China...found a place in Europe that does it, but wants 25 Euro's for it + 25 Euro's for postage...lol Over £50 for a small metal mount and a bit of plastic. AVOID Classic Army launchers... On a separate note...these turned up today, x20 packs of Revision lens clothes. Apparently they have some sort of nano-coating which is supposed to be really good against fogging... I've yet to try them out, but combined with my Wide-I magnetic fog wipe, next months game won't be played all day as if i'm in a thick fog! lol
  18. I have a RIS rail, but took the bottom part off so I could mount the 203 directly to the barrel...but, it's all gone a bit wrong. The Classic Army M203 turned up broken, part of the metal was snapped off which was the part that attaches to the base where the barrel meets the lower receiver...when I opened the box and there was no front mounting kit which attaches to the barrel past your front site..so no way to secure the launcher. I'm in contact with the supplier regarding this...broken launcher and no mounting kit.
  19. Speedloader seems to work ok, very plasticky....I have nuprol midcap polymer mags and they lock in fine,, takes about 10 cranks to fill up the 120rnd mag and the loader holds 1000 bbs.. Though when you take the mag out, with gentle shaking bbs will drop out of the speedloader. So its best to turn it upside down after each mag fill. Still good though....for £24. Not sure on how durable it will be in the long run though, but its better than loading by hand all day.
  20. Tokyo Marui HK45 Tactical, IMI Retention holster, Nuprol Fast Mag loader (No more cramp in index finger loading 10xmags over and over), Classic Army M203 to fit onto my new(ish) Nuprol Delta Sopmod. (M203 comes Monday) and from America a Wide-I magnetic anti-fog wiper. **Found that my IMI retention holster was too tight for my TM HK45, so after a little googling...boiled the holster in a pan for a min or two, as the polymer started to soften, squeezed the gun in and now fits perfectly and fully locks.
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