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Tabitha last won the day on December 10 2017

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    ▪︎TM G17 (GBB)
    ▪TM G26 (GBB)
    ▪︎CG DE (GBB)
    ▪Sig Sauer SP2022 (9mm RSF)
    ▪AA 1911 A1 MEU
  • Loadouts
    No loadout gear.
    I do have of course safety glasses, whole cover ear protection & Viper gloves.
  • Sites
    No sites sadly. I'm on my own. Always have been.
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  1. Tabitha

    Tokyo marui 1911

    Same rules apply as picking up a girl in a Thailand bar: • Ensure that what you're setting your sights on is the legitimate thing. • Make sure you check that everything is above board, no nasty surprises such as missing parts or unexpected extras. • Picking up a piece that looks too good to be true usually IS! • At the end of the day, if you don't proceed carefully, you will probably end up feeling a dick and crying. 😰😖
  2. Tabitha

    Colt 1911

    Can I ask please, what is the main material that the frame and slide are constructed from? i.e Metal, plastic (polymer), wood, recycled human biological waste from a hospitals' liposuction clinic's bio waste bag? (God please don't say the last one! 😫)
  3. I have a Delorean and 3lbs of the strongest Colombian pixie dust known to humankind . . My arse is flying back in time at 88mph one way or another!! 🤣😅
  4. Sweet Jesus man!!! Did you rob an 80's Arnold Schwarzenegger movie? Dutch and John Matrix are gonna be hunting your arse DOWN! I LOVE IT! 🤣😂
  5. She is a thing of beauty. The real-steel firearm ( The P226 and it's variants) is a solid, beautiful, weighty piece of engineering and is a seriously effective gun. It meets all the needed requirements of being an excellent home defence sidearm, an excellent duty/service pistol and, if you can manage the size and weight, a great conceal carry sidearm. I admit that there are a few better options in each of those fields of usage but very few of them sit well in all of them at the same time. I'm a little biased, ok. This is my pride and joy. My full steel Navy model with walnut grips. I've got a set of Sig's P226 extra glove grip rubber grips from Brownells US due this week so hopefully I'll post some updated work pictures. 😁
  6. Just an option for you to help a sale but the Thompson you have there is the base weapon to creature the legendary M41A PULSE RIFLE from ALIENS/ALIENS 3/etc, etc. The Thompson is the 'hardest' part of the build to find, though it's not actually too rare, it's just that they get purchased alot of the time for either a WW2 load out or to make the mentioned Pulse Rifle. I hope that info / suggestion can get you a decent amount of extra eyes on the gun. Wish you luck for a decent sale. Tabi
  7. Tabitha

    SRS 16mm cw silencer

    Like the look of the classical lines and it's a good example of Da Vinci's earlier work but without the appropriate papers of providence I won't go any higher than £800'000.
  8. I've put a new trigger spring in and double checked everything is as it should be . . . the reset sadly is still not kicking in like it should. If I use the decocker then the trigger resets nicely but when I depress the trigger on a cocked hammer it doesn't complete its reset. She's still a beautiful piece and I'm still pleased at how she's come together. I've finished tailoring the wood grips and they're now done. Sights are Nitrite and the only plastic pieces are the odd ones that have to be. For some reason I look at her and see / think Resident Evil 4 / Revelations / Leon S Kennedy. If it even exists, I am thinking a longer, extended magazine, a red / green dot sight in the guide rod . . Right now though, I think it's time for a coffee. 😄
  9. Sorry for the delay in replying. Having the magazine in or out does not effect the reset sadly. I'll hit more than the obvious spots with lube and follow her movements carefully to see any pressure points where she might be catching / meeting resistance. Thanks for the help. Will update once it's done. 😸
  10. Good morning. I'm hoping that someone will know / see something I haven't as to my trigger reset issue. (I've attached two videos and a photo to aid in illustrating the issue). Put plainly, the trigger doesn't reset / go back to its fully forward, reset position after it is pulled. I've taken my standard, factory basic, TM P226 gas and used it as my project piece (I'm unwell and part of my treatment includes keeping sane using specialised projects). I've basically created a specialised model of the Sig P226, the Naval Spec Ops m odel. I've had her apart and gone over everything with a careful eyen Good morning. I'm hoping that someone will know / see something I haven't as to my trigger reset issue. (I've attached two videos and a photo to aid in illustrating the issue). Put plainly, the trigger doesn't reset / go back to its fully forward, reset position after it is pulled. I've taken my standard, factory basic, TM P226 gas and used it as my project piece (I'm unwell and part of my treatment includes keeping sane using specialised projects). I've basically created a specialised model o,f the P226, namely the Naval model, the Sig P226 (NAVY). I've had her apart and rebuilt her several times and this issue with the sluggish, non fully resetting tv. Her baby 20210402_183743_1.mp4 20210402_183512_1.mp4
  11. She's a superb looking example of the Guarder upgraded TM DE. You can see that it's been looked after well. I have the base model and have looked at the full metal upgrade for mine. I wish I could be the buyer of yours but sadly I don't have an exception so I can only look but not touch 😸 I hope you get a fast and easy sale. Tabi
  12. Tabitha

    Assorted bits

    I've messaged you about making a payment for a listed item(s). 😸
  13. If it were the version that could take an under mounted light then I'd be straight in with a YES PLEASE!!. 😸 I wish you luck in a good sale. Tabi
  14. Tabitha

    Nuprol NX300 torch

    Thank you. I've just sent the payment via PayPal. Gratefully Tom.
  15. Tabitha

    Best airsoft gadget ever

    🤔 . . . CONGRATULATIONS!! 🎊🎉🥳 🏆 *hands over trophy* 🏆 This is BY FAR! the coolest thing I've ever seen.
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