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  • Guns
    Tippmann M4 (hpa)
    2x KWA Kriss Vector (hpa)
    CA M4 Pistol
    Armourer Works - VX0100
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    THE MALL (Reading)
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  1. Nasro

    >> Golden Box <<


    • For sale
    • Used

    It's been a years since my last log in This is a one-time opportunity to get your hands on something more rare than gold. 90% of my toys spend time in their boxes and kept clean and undamaged. never have they been at sites as i haven't attended in a long time after their purchase. This is not a cheap package, someone who has the money and would like to have a really cool kit may definitely be interested. I am a trustable person, people know me here. I'm also the creator of the KWA KRISS VECTOR page (check page) GUNS: - 2x KWA Kriss Vector (excellent condition) - Recoil kit - quick mag release - DID Optic - Hartman MH-1 Optic - 1 big case for both guns - 1 original Box - 7 magazines (hpa ready) and can be reverted back to normal. - TIPPMAN M4 (very good condition) - HPA ready, it can also be reverted back to normal. Needs adjustments to the fps. works extremely well once adjusted. - Comes with balystik reg, line and 48/3000 tank. - original Box - ARMOUR WORKS VX0100 - SOLD - CLASSIC ARMY M4 pistol (brand new no box) - only used for testing and it works perfectly ------------------------------------------------------- ACCESSORIES: - Proto HPA bottle, line and Balystic regulator Full Kit (new) - 12L Air cylinder currently as full air - Air infill station (new) -Hartman MH-1 Sight (new) -DID Sight (new) -Laser+torch wired remote - 2x toolbox and care kits and LOTS OF EXTRAS (see pictures - Rifle Box - 12x NEW 3000 tracer bbs from nuprol. - Grenade - 2x flash bangs - Smoke grenade - G&G tracer unit (-/+ adaptor short and long) - 6x m4 magazines - Lipo battery + lipo smart charger - Chronograph - 2 x balaclava There are plenty more on the list just have to ask. Sensible offers are considered £2000 ONO CASH on COLLECTION only. Location: Wembley or Finchley, London Any questions don't hesitate to ask: 0777 466 9995 Nasro



    • For sale
    • Used

    It's been a couple couple years since my last log in This is a one-time opportunity to get your hands on something more rare than gold. 90% of my toys spend time in their boxes and kept clean and undamaged. never have they been at sites as i haven't attended in a long time after their purchase. This is not a cheap package, someone who has the money and would like to have a really cool kit may definitely be interested. I am a trustable person, people know me here. I'm also the creator of the KWA KRISS VECTOR page (check page) GUNS: - KWA Kriss vectors (excellent condition) - EVO II barrel - Hartman MH-1 Optic - Angry gun +fps Shroud - 1 case Box - KWA Kriss Vector (excellent condition) - Recoil kit - quick mag release - DID Optic - 3 magazines (hpa ready) and can be reverted back to normal. - TIPPMAN M4 (very good condition) - HPA ready, it can also be reverted back to normal. Needs adjustments to the fps. works extremely well once adjusted. - Comes with balystik reg, line and 48/3000 tank. - original Box - ARMOUR WORKS VX0100 - SOLD - CLASSIC ARMY M4 pistol (brand new no box) - only used for testing and it works perfectly ------------------------------------------------------- ACCESSORIES: - HPA bottle, line and Balystic regulator Full Kit (new) - 12L Air cylinder currently as full air - Air infill station (new) -Hartman MH-1 Sight (new) -DID Sight (new) -Laser+torch wired remote - 2x toolbox and care kits and LOTS OF EXTRAS (see pictures - Rifle Box - 12x 3000 tracer bbs from nuprol. - Grenade - Smoke grenade - G&G tracer unit (-/+ adaptor short and long) - 6x m4 magazines - Lipo battery + lipo smart charger - Chronograph - 2 x balaclava There are plenty more on the list just have to ask. Sensible offers are considered £2000 ONO COLLECTION in NW London ONLY, Any questions don't hesitate to ask: 0777 466 9995 Nasro



  3. The Golden Box is now available. please check the GAS section of CLASSIFIED 

  4. NICE There are a few people I know in the US who are KWA KV crazy, if this goes well I can put you through to them i am certain they will be interested in buying
  5. Kwa Kriss Vectors are like rare supercars in GTA. it’s hard to find one but Once you have one you start to see more in the community (this group). These guns are more appreciated than any other airsoft guns (YOU’D HAVE TO OWN ONE TO UNDERSTAND THIS) that I know, simply because of their performance, UNIQUE looks and the fact that they don’t make them anymore their value are high. i treat my kwa like my Mrs... keep her clean, oiled, locked and only play with her in my bedroom. @rocketdogbert will confirm this. Unlike the mistress (M4) which gets abused violently, passed on to friends and strangers on site and if broken... gets replaced!
  6. >> What is more important? <<


    2 rare and almost impossible on demand KWA Kriss Vectors with F loads of Extras or extra doe towards a down payment on another house?


    It's not an easy decision but must be done!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Robert James

      Robert James

      Save it and get the TK45. Half the price 😂

    3. Immortal


      1 vector and a deposit.


      Best of both.

    4. Duff


      Flog that shit and buy up Park Lane!!!

  7. How is that turning out? I’m currently trying to learn this from YouTube. Lol
  8. Im not sure what the tech has seen/done but a few things to look into would be around the bolt carrier and piston. 1) Check your piston spring, maybe that’s has gone weak. Pull the nozzle out and let it go and it should retract back very fast and solid. 2) when you pull the piston nozzle from the bolt, check the sides and give it a light grease if it has dried out. 3) inside the lower receiver slide where the bolt carrier is inserted near where the bolt moves forward and back when fired should be lightly greased. Something else to check, find out from previous owner if an Npas has been installed, or you’ll need to open the piston and see. If there is one... you’ll need to close it fully for full power. I’ll show some pictures tomorrow when I get home. Let me know now if you’ve done any of these checks above mabs
  9. Look nice mate what’s the FPS ?
  10. I have been told it can, But you’d want to use a bungee cord to hold it down rather than the mag pouch flap.
  11. Aha, I see. If you do find a smg/vector pouch with ‘molle system’ on the front, then I believe this holster would be ideal.. as if won’t be in the way and it’s easy to access/holster whether you are right handed or southpaw. That is the route I’m pursuing when I do accomplish the right setup
  12. Is it this type of holster? https://www.google.co.uk/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enGB760GB760&hl=en-GB&biw=375&bih=591&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=DLOEWvHUE8PJwQLT7qeADA&q=glock+holster+clip+molle&oq=glock+holster+clip+molle&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3...38311.39250.0.39359.
  13. I’m currently on the search for the perfect chest rig with molle back panel. It will look like this on the front, but the rear would be a custom tailored molle panel http://headontactical.storenvy.com/collections/126688-all-products/products/4522963-6-pack-kriss-rig-bungee
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