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Everything posted by Rogerborg

  1. On December 2nd 2023, the temperature in London ranged from -3C to 1C.
  2. Precocking improves semi-auto response. It leaves the spring compressed so it only needs to be pulled just the last part before releasing. Long term, this will weaken it (and perhaps stress the bushings/bearings) so you'll want to clear it at the end of the day / lunch / between games, depending how much you're bothered about a £10 part. One consideration is that if you're running a strong spring and a weak motor, you can encounter situations where the motor is too weedy to start pulling an already heavily compressed spring, and it locks up. It's not hugely likely, but I did experience it a few times before discovering the joys of half decent motors. It's nothing that you can't inflict on yourself without a pre-cock mosfet by releasing the trigger mid-cycle though.
  3. B is more than we need, F (and glasses can only be rated to F) is technically not enough, but have you ever seen any polycarbonate eyepro fail? Those will be fine for impacts, and the dual-pane is a good shout to avoid misting.
  4. Are you a fairly well programmed AI? 🤔 TEST: in a world where crunchy peanut butter exists, what reasons are there to buy smooth?
  5. Can I ask the purpose of this question? The cheapest airsoft chronos that you can buy at the moment allow you to store multiple BB weights, generally 6, and switch between them with the push of a button. You set the chrono to the weight that you're using, and you look at the Joules number. End of story. I can tell you what energy my guns run at on various BB weights, but have no idea what fps they're shooting at. Why would I need to know?
  6. "All guns to be crono'd on 0.2g BB's - this is non negotiable" Well, at least they're confident about being so utterly wrong.
  7. Hmm, those do look interesting. Shame they don't appear to support burst modes, even on the higher end models.
  8. Not many, no. Do Mayhem even allow snipers? They're rather cagey about their site rules. I do feel compelled to note that having long range, and long site lines, is ideal for snipers, but not so much for our targets. And I say this as a sometimes-sniper.
  9. Well, there's your trade off. Snipers and woodland go together like speedsofters and stripy socks. Do you want to snipe? Have you tried it yet? It's generally not the way it's carefully edited to appear on YouTube videos: hits are fewer and further between. And if you liked the constructions at Mayhem, you may love indoor CQB. No weather concerns, short walks to respawn, all action.
  10. First time visiting the friendzone? Emergency exits are located literally anywhere that any other girl is to be found, and use of them is highly recommended. ... the instant she sees him with some other girl.
  11. I'd concur. Anything short of an AB++ is largely pointless, and I include using 11.1V, given that trigger contacts are a £5 part. The AB++ is a well featured unit, and easy to fit.
  12. Yup, I have one of those, they're fine. Aside, you're not going to win a "But my chrono says..." argument, so there's no point in having anything that's more betterer than whatever your local sites are using.
  13. This is a forum for airsoft, using 6mm plastic BBs. Nothing else.
  14. I'm very sorry to hear this. We've had a few members who've had Dibble show up to look into their importation of an assault-style-toy. However, nobody's been prosecuted or convicted for it (absent some chancers with CO2 powered 'self defence' .50 cal paintball guns). So, deep breaths. It's a long, lonnnng way from here to any real consequences. What I'd suggest that you do is to contact https://www.ukapu.org.uk/ and ask for advice. Someone there will be able to talk you through the legislation, the airsoft defence that applies, and how you can demonstrate it, should you need to. If it were me, I'd print off several copies of an information pack listing the offence (VCRA 2006, S36 causing a realistic imitation firearm to be imported), the defence (S37 as amended, permitted activity, airsoft use) and your defence (membership of an airsoft skirmish site with 3rd party liability insurance, I hope), plus contact details for anyone who can confirm that. Keep this handy, get in some decent tea and a nice biscuit selection (Garibaldis!), and welcome in any coppers sent out to investigate your criminal empire - they won't have any real clue why they've been sent out. It almost certainly won't come to that, but better to have the information and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
  15. Mmm. I do feel compelled to note that if you're airsofting while dressed any differently to how you'd shop in Tesco[*], then you are, by any meaningful definition, cosplaying. [*] Excepting supportive footwear instead of Uggs.
  16. If by that you mean that he sneaks out before game-on and camps 20 yard from spawn points, or out-of-bounds, then adds fake hit makers, sure. As above: do you think he's been banned by most UK sites for excessive awesomeness? Into the what? 😕
  17. I'm confused by what exactly this is meant to achieve. I mean, what is going to happen differently because of it? And how does it apply to anything without a muzzle device? It feels like one of those "Because shut up, that's why" things.
  18. My locals seem to be consistent with: Under 18 = full face covered, which can be separate eye and lower face protection, or a single piece full face mask. Under 16 = single piece full face mask only. It's entirely up to your local site(s) and their insurer(s) though. Something I'd flag up is that Amazon and eBay have a plethora of £20-ish full face masks being sold for airsoft use which then fess up in the details that they are not rated for even ~1.1J impacts. I'd stick to actual paintball brand-names like Dye or Valken when buying a mask.
  19. Well, it's a tech thread. As above, first get a chrono so you know what energy - and variation - you currently have. Otherwise you'll have no idea whether anything you swap in is an upgrade, sidegrade, or downgrade.
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