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    Big Boss
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    MCG at Ravenshead (formerly BetterBattles)
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  1. Hey, Dunno if your still after ideas but these are what I used to house my Vector mags. only thing is though you'll want to get creative with tie wraps. The buttons on the straps aren't really strong enough to stay buttoned when your running around with the weight of these mags bouncing against your chest, that goes the same for using any molle rig though. tried the pouches on thigh molles too, still need tie wraps https://www.evike.com/products/44950/ https://www.evike.com/products/53996/
  2. Aaah cool i see now Cheers bud!
  3. What Sorcery is used to feed your BB's from that bag? I must learn your secrets
  4. Ordered Some new O-ring seals from Germany to replace all the existing ones on our TM Breacher, Also a new HPA line from High Pressure Airsoft (all at the same time) and the O-Rings turn up first...What gives
  5. Your 23 is good enough to be your primary if your using ninja skill it'd hardly be in you holster I keep mine on a thigh molle so yeah kinda have to remember it's their when crouching. Only done woodland site not really had any problems with anything catching. Would possibly be better if it was molded though instead of printed as I think the printed layers seem to be a "structral Weakness" to me.
  6. Just buy it they are fantastic, super quick release and it can hold all its glory (suppressor and LAM) the one in the previous post though is the newer version, plate at the back is different to the one i have. Don't know if the plastic they use is better now either? I took a pretty bad fall on mine and its all cracked got electrical tape holding it together now moral of the story is....don't slide on your gear!
  7. Pinned these to favourites will have to look at building up a new line. Thanks for the help
  8. Ha yeah its an insane piece, as it is at the moment all mags have the normal fill valves i've removed the taps on these but this is how it would look if the tap was placed in. Its aboout 8" hanging combined with the mag. I've tried local compressor shop to see if they have anything to make it shorter but they didn't have anything. The reloading though has put me off wanting to HPA through the Mags though. That Drop kit i'm assuming is just for the Krytac vector?
  9. @ Nasro yeah it replaced the normal fill valve at the bottom of the mag so it had the KWA male adapter and then this monster to connect to it. From what I can seen the spring looks ok to me (dare not take it apart further than this TBH) I'm assuming that this is the spring from looking at the parts list any how?
  10. Tried to run this HPA myself but only have the 50rd mags to do it with. PAIN IN THE ASS! the length of the mag combined with the adapters (the Previous owner had on it) made for a very awkward, uncomfortable pose and hard as hell reloads. For me personally it was a more con over the pros of having a more reliable gas source on another note has anyone had problems with the KWA jamming up on burst fire? Don't know if its just because of the cold temperature but after firing 1 or two shots on this it jams and i have to strip it for the trigger to return. its usually ok on semi or full auto.
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