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  1. Hi guys, the site where I used to play near me has been closed down and I want to get back into airport when we’re allowed out. I sold my old gun. how can I get a new one as I wouldn’t qualify for a ukara licence as mine expired some time ago. I’m happy to pay for any licence or membership. thanks
  2. TM H&K 416D 1 x mid cap 1 x hi cap Charger New set of camo gear and safety wear. Absolutely skint 😢
  3. Where did you get them from? How much did you pay? They look just what I'm looking for. How did you find the breathing? Was it at all restrictive?
  4. In your opinion what do you see as the point in Vcra? To me it seems a half arsed approach to it. Like you say it needs to be self-governing which in itself is almost an open door for misuse. What do you think?
  5. Does anyone on here want to be my friend? You gift me an RIF I will gift you some money. It's a bit of a farce really isn't it? I understand the reason why they try and police it but surely this isn't the way.
  6. So in the same instance. If I don't have a defence. However a good friend does. He gives me an RIF as a gift. Is that ok?
  7. Thanks for the reply. So budget permitting what guns would you be looking at? Are there a few manufacturers I should put to the top of the list?
  8. So after 12 years out I had my first outing at Sussex airsoft today and thought I would tell you all about it. Got there at 9.45 and got set up with the hire gear. Got put into teams of 8 and started with some basic storm the fort games, followed by the capture bin laden games which were good fun. Things that I noticed: 1) where do kids get there money from. I've never seen gear like it, one of the little kids couldn't even carry it all he had so much. I couldn't afford a packet of premier league stickers when I was 13 let alone the amount of brand new gear they have. 2) the hire guns were shite. I ended up changing mags 3 time and guns 3 times before I got a reliable one. It ruined most of the games for me and was very disappointing. I want to buy myself a decent gun but have to wait to go another 2 times which makes me not really want to go back if I have to use the hire equipment again. 3) people cheat. Can't understand why. Everyone seems to get infuriated with each other about it. Doesn't lend for a nice atmosphere. 4) still people take it too seriously. It's pretty embarrassing when people are walking back to the spawn zone and shouting at you to charge 😂 5) the guy who ran it was a top guy. Spent a lot of time chatting to me as a new player, spoke about tactics and equipment and showed me round the site at lunch. Made me feel very welcome and made the day enjoyable. 6) I must have been the oldest there at 30. I must admit I thought there would be more adults than there were. 50% under 16's I reckon. 7) got the bug but the hire equipment has really put a dampener on it, is there anyway at all I can get the defence another way? Anyway that's enough from me. I'm bloody knackered but it was worth it. Fun day out
  9. Hi all, I am looking at getting back into airsoft. Well I say back but all that means is I did it a few times when I was younger. Nothing serious and only with rentals. However I now like the idea of taking it up regularly. I have a few questions I was hoping you seasoned vets could help me out with 1) I live in Brighton. Does anyone know any good sites near me? 2) is it a bit weird that I would do this on my own? Is it normally groups of people who do it or would I be ok turning up on my own? 3) what is the average age of people who do this? I'm 30 4) in terms of getting my own gun I presume it's best to go to a few sessions and try out rentals? However other than a gun what else do I need to buy to get started? 5) is there anything I should know before getting involved. I'm pretty excited about starting it up and I'm the sort of idiot who goes head first in everything I try so I'm trying my best to not go a splash a load of money on a new gun. Anyway thanks for reading and thanks in advance for your responses. Sean
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