So after 12 years out I had my first outing at Sussex airsoft today and thought I would tell you all about it.
Got there at 9.45 and got set up with the hire gear. Got put into teams of 8 and started with some basic storm the fort games, followed by the capture bin laden games which were good fun.
Things that I noticed:
1) where do kids get there money from. I've never seen gear like it, one of the little kids couldn't even carry it all he had so much. I couldn't afford a packet of premier league stickers when I was 13 let alone the amount of brand new gear they have.
2) the hire guns were shite. I ended up changing mags 3 time and guns 3 times before I got a reliable one. It ruined most of the games for me and was very disappointing. I want to buy myself a decent gun but have to wait to go another 2 times which makes me not really want to go back if I have to use the hire equipment again.
3) people cheat. Can't understand why. Everyone seems to get infuriated with each other about it. Doesn't lend for a nice atmosphere.
4) still people take it too seriously. It's pretty embarrassing when people are walking back to the spawn zone and shouting at you to charge 😂
5) the guy who ran it was a top guy. Spent a lot of time chatting to me as a new player, spoke about tactics and equipment and showed me round the site at lunch. Made me feel very welcome and made the day enjoyable.
6) I must have been the oldest there at 30. I must admit I thought there would be more adults than there were. 50% under 16's I reckon.
7) got the bug but the hire equipment has really put a dampener on it, is there anyway at all I can get the defence another way?
Anyway that's enough from me. I'm bloody knackered but it was worth it. Fun day out