Ok, so for anyone that doesn't know about Snus it's mainstream and on shop shelves throughout USA, Germany, Poland, Denmark and Norway. used by all ages. Snus is a growing craze in the UK although still not majorly known. It's usually a pouch form and you put it between your gum and your lips. give it around 6-8 minutes and it just gives you a little buzz.
Snus is actually nicotine, but the pouch is about 3 times stronger than 1 cigarette and contains no tar, rat poison etc etc. I don't smoke and can't smoke. but this is great stuff. there are no bad side effects from snus, apart from it produces a saliva which you need to spit out (usually in to a spittoon), if you do swallow this saliva this has been linked to cancer in bladder/kidneys. Obviously nicotine addiction if you can't control it.
I use Snus in a number of different situations.. including DJing, when using it in a club I can stay sober use snus and be on a very similar vibe to people who are drinking etc.. but I can still drive to and from the club and work etc. I also use snus driving around and chilling out.. am considering using it during AirSoft as research shows it increases your concentration span and the buzz it gives me will definitely fuel a higher adrenaline rush and a better game play.
If anyone does use it on it where do you buy from? I am using Northener.com which is good although it takes 4-6 weeks for delivery to UK.