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Profile Information

  • Guns
    WE Scar H AEG with red dot site.
    WE Glock 7 GBB
    Oshiboom Grenade
  • Loadouts
    MTP MultiCamo Military
  • Sites
    S.W.A.T Fortress Liverpool
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    RnB, HipHop, Dancehall Music, Cinema, Working Hard, Procrastinating even harder. Jack Daniels & Coke.

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  1. So I've playing Airsoft for nearly 2 months and I have noticed that the main key to success is team work and moving as a unit. Sunday just gone I played SWAT Fortess Liverpool my team had no co-ordination and even when you would suggest to other players let's stay as one squad, people just run off! Or they won't run through a door way cause there scared of getting shot at! So am looking to join a group of players who play for fun regularly. I'm 27, not the best player but as I say I have been playing weekly for 2 months. I'm a player who likes to try and accomplish the missions set throughout the day not just shoot what moves. I'm Living in Liverpool willing to travel to surrounding areas, roughly any town or city within' 2 hour drive from Liverpool. I run: MTP MultiCamo Militry Loadout. WE Scar H AEG Klarus Flashlight XT30 WE Glock 17 GBB Oshiboom Impact Grenade Also looking to add claymore and extra grenades to my load out.
  2. Ahh! See this is the sort of information. I was looking for! Thanks.
  3. Been playing Airsoft now for nearly 2 months and I have already collected a vast amount of kit. Here's my first 'what I bought' post to bring you up to date. Last week I purchased my first primary gun Scar H TAN AEG from BombUp, Runcorn near Liverpool! Great gun! I love it. picture is from SWAT Fortess Liverpool where I first skirmished it last Sunday. I run MTP Military load out including: NUPROL IBH RAILED FAST HELMET MULTICAM BOLLE GOGGLES - YELLOW TINT LOWER MESH FACEMASK - OLIVE NUPROL PMC PLATE CARRIER - MULTI CAM MTP KOMBAT UK BTP PATRIOT SOFT SHELL SHARK SKIN JACKET KOMBAT UK UBACS SHIRT BTP MECHANIX GLOVES KOMBAT UK SPEC OPS RECON TROUSERS WITH KNEE PADS - BTP KOMBAT UK SPEC OPS RECON BOOTS MULTICAM WEAPONS: WE GLOCK 17 BLACK GBB + NUPROL 200 PISTOL FLASHLIGHT WE SCAR H TAN AEG + NUPROL 883 HOLO SIGHT OHSHIBOOM IMPACT GRENADE
  4. How do I change my display name?

  5. travelling via planes. I haven't actually found a AirSoft site in Amsterdam yet and this is why I come on here to ask if anyone had played in Amsterdam. Am also interested in the possibility of a language barrier and wether this would effect play etc. many questions. Looks like I'll have to give it ago and hope for the best.
  6. In March am visiting Amsterdam for a short city break and am looking at playing AirSoft over there, has anyone ever played Airsoft in another country from their homeland? Also, I'm looking to use a courier to ship my gun over to Amsterdam and pick it up there? Has anyone done this? Any experiences of moving Airsoft equipment across boarders or playing in a different country please post your experiences. Thanks.
  7. does UKARA even have a website at the minute? http://www.ukara.org.uk
  8. So this Sunday will be my 5th game in total playing Airsoft and it's the last event at my local site S.W.A.T Fortess Liverpool. I'm looking for any suggestions on the next site that would be good to visit? Am looking to stay with urban / CQB style sites. Willing to travel up to maximum 2 hours away from Liverpool.
  9. just been and visited my local store near Liverpool. It's BombedUp in Runcorn they have Nuprol BBs in stock. http://bombupairsoft.co.uk
  10. As I said in my first post I don't smoke prior to Snus and I still don't.
  11. Well my judgement was taken from a very, very close friend who I believe to be savvi. Although I may read up about it myself now. Ps. How long has it been going? I have been using it just over 14 months.
  12. it's all down to each individual user and how often you use it then getting used to it. although yeah when you put it like that it sounded hypocritical.
  13. best place to buy combat gear? looking to purchase multi cam black jacket / pants / plate carrier.
  14. well i guess am not alone on knowing about ha. I have to explain it to people nearly everyday which is why I thought there maybe a possibility nobody knew of it. The thought of rolling in someones spit isn't nice, agreed! but if you use them regularly the spitting becomes a very minimal issue to barely. As I said, research says there is no side effects to Snus as long as you do not consume the saliva (obviously you will consume a little). Snus is also widely used by footballers (soccer players), athletes, body builders and other sports/industries where there are regular checks for drugs in your system.
  15. Ok, so for anyone that doesn't know about Snus it's mainstream and on shop shelves throughout USA, Germany, Poland, Denmark and Norway. used by all ages. Snus is a growing craze in the UK although still not majorly known. It's usually a pouch form and you put it between your gum and your lips. give it around 6-8 minutes and it just gives you a little buzz. Snus is actually nicotine, but the pouch is about 3 times stronger than 1 cigarette and contains no tar, rat poison etc etc. I don't smoke and can't smoke. but this is great stuff. there are no bad side effects from snus, apart from it produces a saliva which you need to spit out (usually in to a spittoon), if you do swallow this saliva this has been linked to cancer in bladder/kidneys. Obviously nicotine addiction if you can't control it. I use Snus in a number of different situations.. including DJing, when using it in a club I can stay sober use snus and be on a very similar vibe to people who are drinking etc.. but I can still drive to and from the club and work etc. I also use snus driving around and chilling out.. am considering using it during AirSoft as research shows it increases your concentration span and the buzz it gives me will definitely fuel a higher adrenaline rush and a better game play. If anyone does use it on it where do you buy from? I am using Northener.com which is good although it takes 4-6 weeks for delivery to UK.
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