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    Strikeforce cqb
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  1. Very good bargin there.
  2. Whenever I look to buy a new airsoft gun they mostly range from £100-£500 or even more. But at my last skirmish I met this dude who had an MP7 the battery was ducked taped to the upper reicver and he had only a couple of mags but he brought for only £15 at a market. I stayed with him for most of the day and his gun shot consistently with no faults and at times better than my Cm16. So the question I'm asking is are cheaper guns are cheaper guns worth looking at to buy? Or should you try for more expensive ones ? Opinions appreciated.
  3. I'm 15 and have the same problem so what I am doing is, whenever you have some money to got to an airsoft match and have some money left over buy some gear a little at a time. So do your research know what you want to get and save up. Look on ebay and find some cheap gear and buy whenever you can. Hope this helps
  4. Strikeforce is my local field too I'm from across the border in Worcestershire its a really good field well Marshalled and friendly too no one will judge you if turn up in something ridiculous. Helpful tip if you are renting a gun book well in advace as they go quickly also bring some extra cash as there is a burger king around the corner. Hope this helps.
  5. In one of my recent games I saw a bunch of guys wondering round with either a pistol and some type of weird rubber sword thingy or a long bayonet attached to their rifles as they were on different teams when they saw each ither they would just fight it out man on man. Im still fairly new to airsoft and wondered what the rules are for melee weapons and expirences you guys of had of them and whether or not they should be allowed. Personalky I think having a baynot charge or something sounds pretty cool but I wanted to hear your opinions.
  6. I guess im lucky because at my local site no-one care what you wear or what gear you have (apart from a few snobs that everysite has) all they care about is you giving it your all and you can expect far more sneering and snobbing for being selfish rather than turning up with a cheap second hand gear and renting a gun and not hitting anything.
  7. Im west midlands and sadley I have to say that there are very few sites that allows snipers as most are cqb sites.
  8. Im cadets too and have the same problem hats arnt a necessity and just buy any gloves as no one will really see them
  9. I live in worcester and I was hoping to go airsofting again but what is speedqb
  10. http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=4418&osCsid=b69a0e6ae85c40dd0ae7cb7f34441099
  11. Have you tried the same test on normal goggels
  12. Yes but at close range most people aim at the chest
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