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  • Guns
    M4A1 "Frankenstien" (parts from a bits box that somehow work together)
    Mk23 Socom
  • Sites
    Not played in 5yrs, but making a comeback 2016!

    Planning to be at UCAP Sandpit.

    Used to play Fort Amherst and Epsom Bunkers
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    Greenhithe, Kent

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  1. Ive had a Dynatec for years. Its pretty much flawless. The delay is around 3secs. Ive heard the by leaving it compressed its possible to make it longer, but i like having a short timer on it. They can be fiddly to reload. Definately not something that can be done quickly. (Unscrew cap; pop out the old shell; use a tool to re-set the firing pin; hold the spoon in place while re-inserting the pin; "oh bugger, where did i put the pin"; new shell; screw cap back on). There are some multi-shot impact ones that are (allegedly) more user friendly. But, as with anything, its preference. Ive had my Dynatec around 10yrs and will likely not go any other way.
  2. Nothing overly special, but my M4 Stubby. Need to grab a short taclight for it and tweak some internals. But overall its pretty faultless. Just need to get a sunday off now so i can use the damn thing...
  3. To be really pedantic; As the barrels on airsoft guns aren't rifled, can they really be classed as Rifles at all?
  4. It means that Richard and Luke have worked on it. Clearly, it's now made of sunshine and puppy farts. FPS: Legal. Anything below 328 is legal, so the FPS is 1-328? That's a lot of variation :-)
  5. Why do I see that and think....Boondocks Saints? "So you're telling me it was one guy with six guns, and he was a senior frigging citizen?"
  6. No, I'm not trying to get people to send pets via Royal Mail (they would never allow it!). This thread is simply a shameless excuse to show off our fluffy/scaley loved ones. Introducting Luna, my Mastiff/Staff mix. :-) Also have snake and a horse that are my fiancé's, but Luna is the best IMHO. The funny thing is that I used to be terrified of dogs until I got her.
  7. This what you need? http://m.ebay.com/itm/Mini-Tamiya-Male-to-Female-extension-cable-10cm-14AWG-wire-For-Airsoft-Battery-/271548621653
  8. Prometheus 6.03 Barrel & Purple Hop Bucking And some .28 G&G Perfects. Maybe I'll use my M4 as an actual rifle and not have to carpet-bomb areas just to get a hit now!
  9. I saw a couple of guys running with FlashMags on the weekend. They seemed pretty chuffed with them. Personally, in a Mid Player as I don't like the constant rattling as I move around. However, I do always carry one HiCap (packed as much as it can be so it makes as little noise as possible) for those Rambo Moments.
  10. Thanks guys. Appreciate the help 😃 The TM Hop *seems* fine, so I'll muddle along with it for a while. 6weeks until I have a Sunday off and I'll be able to actually get a game in. With the upgrades, I might just hit someone this time :-)
  11. Just to rekindle an old thread; Just ordered a Prometheus 6.03 barrel and a Purple Rubber Nub thingy will follow shortly. Going to look into getting some .28 BBs soon too. I've got an old TM Hop Unit going spare I can use. Is there really much point in buying an *upgrade* for the unit itself? Most of the work is done by the barrel and the rubber, isn't it?
  12. Does anyone know what pouches/fittings can be used on the back panel of an LA Assault Vest? The loops are about half be width and twice the height of MOLLE Trying to find a way to attach a Camelbak, but google isn't being my friend :-( Thanks :-)
  13. Never heard of Army Force myself, so I'll let someone else jump in on this one.....(help!) Just remember; swapping around the front end/ stock on an M4 is a piece of cake. But changing the body is fiddly. You'll need to fit all the little bits (fire selector, dust cover & release mechanism...etc etc). It's not a simple case of slotting in your old gearbox. If you have an "old style" 2-Part Hop Unit this will need to be replaced - which I only found out recently!
  14. Most new receivers would be fine. If/when you find one you like, ask about on here to see if anyone had any idea of the brand. But (in my experience) 90% of parts are interchangeable. (My M4 is currently using Tokyo Marui, JG, G&P and D-boys parts internally and externally and I haven't had to modify anything). Some of the more "unique" receivers are quite expensive - but shop around on Ebay and the Classifieds and you could find a bargain.
  15. Personally, I think leaving the mag in was a bad idea. I get your reasons for not being fussed (chamber being empty etc), but if something *had* happened then it would raise questions as to why you had a gun with the mag in, in the SafeZone. It doesn't reflect well on you. Glad you've learned from that. Ultimately the fault would lie with the person who pulled the trigger (IMHO). Chances are that if he didn't check the safety (which is likely, who would pull the trigger knowing it was on Safe?), then he probably didn't think to check the chamber was cleared. It was an accident waiting to happen, glad no one was hurt!
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