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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. Think your way over analysing the whole thing OR to put it more in the style of this very forums ‘grumpy old members’
  2. A genuine post count perhaps ? So you can’t bump your score simply by spamming every post left right AND centre .
  3. Bought from @BigStewon these very forums , Foundry Airsoft HALO magnum kit , it’s actually intended for the Glock 17/18/19 but with a ‘wee’ bit of dremeling it fits nicely on an 18C . Safe to say my boy will be a VERY happy bunny when he gets home ? 😉
  4. Foundry Airsoft HALO magnum kit , it’s actually intended for the Glock 17/18/19 but with a ‘wee’ bit of dremeling it fits nicely on an 18c .
  5. Short attention span ? Difficulty paying attention ? Not one for subtle suggestions ?
  6. Me personally I wouldn’t risk it , all the horror stories you hear from trustworthy sources about the problems players with a ‘normal’ UKARA defence are having importing I’d say there’s not a chance it’ll go smoothly on a re-enactor defence . I genuinely think it’ll all start to go Pete Tong the moment it leaves the retailer to start on its way to you . 😢
  7. Totally agree calling someone a fag is no longer acceptable, those days are gone and that kind of language and behaviour should no longer exist but you REALLY need to lighten up mate , when you start getting ‘offended’ by very slightly non PC humour your setting your self up to be ridiculed . What one person finds ‘offensive’ the next person may not , or even if someone may be incredibly offended by something yet the next person is far from offended by it . It’s all subjective , in the end when society as a whole and not just a small group decide something is no longer acceptable then it can be regulated not before . Freedom of speech in its purest form is offending someone but not attacking them . I’ll leave the final word to one of Britain’s greatest gay men that ever was .
  8. Was being facetious !🤦‍♂️🤣🤣
  9. I always thought ‘Gender fluid’ referred to what makes babies , I’m not so sure now ?😳 Ahh yes this old nut shell ! It’s up there with “man up !” And “necro post !” Two of the oldest and stalest retorts in the sport ! 🤦‍♂️
  10. Try google I hear it’s very good for finding advice 🤔
  11. If there not binary triggers then are they trans triggers ? 🤔 asking for a confused friend .
  12. Evolution of the HPA player ;
  13. Please see my previous post for an answer ? 😁
  14. I find small well run sites are so much better than the big impressive sites with the big bucks budget . My experience has been it’s the big ones that have more of a problem with ‘localism’ , don’t get me wrong I’m not saying the little sites don’t(couple of little poorly maintained ones I’ve been too where horrendous for it) but I found that face to face it was definitely the big ones had a worse problem than the small .
  15. Yup all prescriptions are free , Uni isn’t quite free but it’s a very minimal contribution if your a welsh citizen and your going to a welsh uni . 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
  16. Ahh fairy muff was just going by what the guy in Socomtactical said when I bought it .👍
  17. That’ll teach you not to be welsh ours are free ! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🤣🤣👍 Or as we called it in the army ‘shinny mine hunting’ as in “haven’t a clue what it is/who’s it is but its shinny and it’s sat there all unclaimed so it’s mine now !” 🤣🤣
  18. When my hospital changed trusts we all had to have new ID badges so when they arrived there was a bag full of the new badges and a bag full of those extendable wire keychains , but unfortunately due to my age and rapidly advancing dementia I complete forgot I’d already picked one up and grabbed a few more ! 😇😇
  19. The topic of ‘Fees’ rears it’s ugly little heads quite regularly and in the end it always ends up the same way , you’ve got one side that says you should have one single figure that you ask for that covers everything and on the other you’ve got the ones who go in to very long winded reasons for why you have the goods price and then P&P plus PayPal is tagged on after . One of the biggest reasons they Say this seems to be letting the buyer choose the delivery method instead of setting it them selves wether by parcelfarce/ Royal fail or Hermies/etc me I just do Royal Mail/Parcelfarce as my preference for who I’ll send via and that’s that you want anything else ? Sorry no can do .
  20. I’ve always been of the opinion(yes I know my point of view on people’s opinions is well known!💩😂)is field craft will always win what ever your wearing , obviously if your in camo your on to a good starting point but even if your wearing the perfect gillie suit for the environment if your stomping around Making noise and obvious movements then your going to get bumped where as the guy in desert camo who Fully understands the principles of field craft will win every time .
  21. No just ironic humour sorry I wasted it on you . 😉
  22. They make the fabric in the base colour then print each individual colour on to the roll of fabric one at a time .
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