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  • Guns
    King Arms SVD sniper Rifle
    Well L96 MB01
    G&G Raider L
    ASG MP44
    Toyko Marui Socom
  • Sites
    Absolute Airsoft
    Airsoft Plantation
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  1. I upgraded my Ares/Amoeba Striker with the ESD upgrade kit. Now I'm having issues with feeding BB's into the hop up. It's shooting a few bb's at a time and empties the magazine in no time. I saw a review on upgrading this stating it needed a CNC bb feeder but I can't seem to find this online to purchase. I've not replaced the Hop Up i've seen there's an Action Army hop up. Is it worth replacing the standard Hop up with this CNC Aluminium Hop up unit first to fix the feed issue? Anyone else having this problem after fitting the ESD upgrade kit? Or know what would fix this feed issue? Eager to start using this Airsoft Sniper out on the field.
  2. I've just bought a S&T Kar 98K rif called 'Another Version'. However this is not the same apparently as the original which I've read is Version 1. So the TNT upgrade kit apparently doesn't fit this. it was shooting 310-320 in the shop as they were able to cryno this for me. I want this to be my sniper rifle so I wanted to have a decent fps and range for this. Has anyone got one of these and tried to upgrade the sears, piston & spring? What parts do I need. Thanks Mike
  3. I've already upgraded my Striker AS01 with an ESD Piston upgrade set but fitted a M140 spring instead of the M150. I chrono'd this and it was shooting 498-500fps. So lucky I didn't fit the M150 spring using .20. The kit came with a Steel Sears and I fitted this. My issue is the BB's aren't shooting properly, they're dropping and shooting multiple bb's so it's not feeding properly. I'm going to fit a Action Army Hop Unit in this, however I've read that the Hop Up Rubber fitted isn't very good on these bb guns. What one do I need? I'm not sure what Hop Up Rubber to use. I've seen there's loads and different angles. 50, 60 & 70 degrees. Will these fit in ok? https://www.bztactical.co.uk/asg-madbull-shark-blue-hop-up-rubber-8032 I'm buying this and want something to fit this; https://www.bztactical.co.uk/action-army-amoeba-striker-hop-up-chamber I've seen there's a CNC Feed Ramp but can't seem to find any where in the UK that sell this. Does anyone know where I can get one? Thanks.
  4. I gave my UKARA to justbbguns and they charged me £10 to do it, it was next day, got e-mails etc.. but should you be charged for this? Wouldn't buy any from them again, their customer services are rubbish and most of their web stock is always out of stock.
  5. can you turn up for a day's event? Not sure camping for 3 without showers is a good thing.
  6. I was playing at Airsoft Plantation on the weekend, and there was this lad you had a similar gun that looked like a polar star type gas gun, however he called it something else as the control for the fps was in the gun itself and not controlled by a regulator on the gas canister. He said the setup was £450 and it was an M4 type rif. To get to the fps control you had to open the gun up by removing the rear pin, it didn't look like a polar star as these look like V2 gear boxes where as looked like less moving parts. Does any one know what these are called?
  7. Glad you're joining the airsoft community. There's loads you could take with you, tactical vests, radios, camo clothing, ghillie suit etc.. Just don't forget eye protection, there was a recent thread mentioning good goggles to get so have a read of that. enjoy the game
  8. have used Taiwanguns a couple of times now, and found it a good experience. Delivery is free if over a certain amount, and can be tracked via UPS website. I bought a sniper rifle and included my UKARA number in the comments section and this came through no problems. The only thing I don't like when looking at the pistols for examples, trying to work out the make and model is hard sometimes e.g. CM.126 (CM) not heard of CM as a brand and what the CM.126 is meant to be.. it looks like a 1911 but might be something else. I've found the pricing with TG is better than with Gunfire, so I'm sticking with TG for the time being.
  9. I was chatting to Dominic from bbguns4less and he said he'd attended a big meet last year with 2000 airsoft players in August around Hampshire, towards Bournemouth or there abouts I've been playing airsoft for about 9 months and love playing it, it'd be fantastic to play again so many players and it'd be fun. Does any one know what this is called, and is it on again this year?
  10. The second pair stated that they were vented and dual lens, but didn't say if it had any anti fog coating. Are there any good sprays to coat your goggles before a game that won't smudge the lenses?
  11. Yeah, I've seen the sear on airsoftsniperparts, they're not cheap. I'm only using the spring that came with it at the moment.
  12. I've updated my Well MB01 and thought I'd share in case any one wanted to do the same. I bought the gun from Taiwanguns.pl for £78 with Piston upgrade, scope and silencer. I bought grease and Barrel Spacer from airsoft sniper parts UK, and metal Trigger box from ebay from China. The easiest job was replacing the piston and spring guide, lots of YouTube videos for that, I cut down the spring by 2 coils as I wanted this to be roughly under 450 fps, as lots of sites stated this was shooting in the range of 460-470 fps. I'm not able to tell what the fps differences are as I don't have a chronograph as yet. I still have the 500 fps spring that came with the upgrade kit just in case I cut it too short. Next part was removing the barrel to put the spacers I bought from airsoft sniper parts, again youtube has lots of vids on this and I've attached a pic of what it looked like. The foam spacers where already attached to the barrel and I used them again as they were a good fit, but did move position when I fitted the barrel in so getting 4 spacers would of done a better job than 2. I have heard from reviews that the spacers add a small amount to accuracy and as it was only £9 I thought I'd give it ago. Last was the trigger box, I had heard of the MB01 trigger box spitting and it was also recommended if you used a higher spring it was recommended to use one. So I spent £22.50 from ebay for this. It added some extra weight but I hope this will last ages. I didn't bother with upgrading the barrel, I've seen reviews for the tight bores and people prefer wider bores for sniping, so I left that for another time when I want to play with the hob up. Pic of the trigger boxes, metal box on the left.
  13. Try looking at Patrolbase.co.uk they have FAST helmets under £30. They come with front mount and Velcro.
  14. Can anyone give me some advice on cutting springs down. I was advised by airspftsniperparts.com, that I need to cut a coil down from my spring to reduce it by 20fps to make it site safe/legal. I've cut a spring down before but couldn't find a way to flatten the coil properly. I used a tool similar to a dremel to do this, but I couldn't get the next coil to go flat and give a 360 degree surface. This is for a 140 spring I think, from a Well MB01 any feed back welcome.
  15. Just bought a Well MB01 from Taiwanguns. Lots of upgrade options and accessories for the L96, also bought metal trigger assembly from ebay. There weren't that many options for the VSR, you can get a screw mount for a silencer and change the spring and barrel, but not much more than that. The VSR has a 510mm barrel and the L96 has a 500mm barrel. Look at Taiwan guns are recommended to me by Hef Legend, can't seem to get off that site, easier to search than gunfire.pl. I got my L96 with Scope, silencer, silencer adapter, upgrade set & some .36 bio bb's for £134 including delivery. If you get from taiwan guns they can even downgrade for you, just make sure you give your UKARA number in the comments when paying. I'm leaving the original spring which I think is a SP140 spring. and upgrading the piston and Spring retainer, to keep it site safe.
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