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djben9 last won the day on January 23 2017

djben9 had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Guns
    ICS CXP-UK1, UK1R, UK1R SR EBB, M4 EBB, G33 F, ASG M15 SIR, TM GLK 17 v3
  • Loadouts
    Whatevers comfy for the day.....with big pockets helps
  • Sites
    GMA / Team Green Tuddenham,
  • Gender
  • Location
    Fen Edge, Cambs :)
  • Interests
    DJ-ing (Traktor), Airsoft oh and my family of course :)

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  1. anyone see the BBC  'How to stop your glasses steaming up with a mask on' tips..... :rolleyes:


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rogerborg


      "The effort is cute, but it's all lies...."


      Well, this is the organisation that produced a Fact Check video sneering at people for believing the ridiculous notion that the WuFlu was "just floating around in the air", and then continued to run it for months and months after the Chi-Coms said way back in February that they believed it was fully aerosolised with a 3 hour linger time, and the US NIH and CDC confirmed that in March.  If I could find that out, why couldn't the BBC? </rant>

    3. ak2m4


      I'm so close to just ditching my license now

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