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  • Guns
    Cobbled together m4
    We big bird gbb x2
    tm scar l
    tm m3 tri shot
    asg mp5k
  • Loadouts
    Mtp and a mish mash of load carrying stuff
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    Ucap bunker
    The mall
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  1. Oh yes. I feel very ready for defence now i have a few thousand rounds and a support weapon to throw them around with lol
  2. Small patrol pack with straps and molle mounts fast helmet mount for my cam a&k mk46 mod1........ Just small stuff really....
  3. I know a fair few who have struggled with them too for the same reason. For what your after, i think some mesh goggles would be fine. My mesh can go around my helemt and still fit fine and obvs no fog. But you could easily cut the strap and feed the ends through into the fast helemt clamps.
  4. Im not going to name people as its not really what this was for. People keep interpreting this as me trying to - A-stir things up (wrong) B- personally attack other forum members (wrong) C- start arguments (wrong) I put this up to just remind people, this is a free forum, with good non interfering mods, and a massive knowledge base. As others have said, forums are never perfect but this is pretty close. Ive been a member of tonnes of forums for various different things and none function as wel as this. If people want to put forward ideas for improvement, thats great. What is not great is the slide the majority of those comments have fallen down. From suggestion, to rudeness and the general impretion of 'i could do better'. If they can, awsome! Go and do it. This didnt need to be a status and i didnt need to keep it to myself. There is no reson why anyone should not share there opinion on the collective community they are a part of. I shared my opinion, without mentioning any one in particular. How have i done wrong, or different from so many others who have done similar?
  5. Like i said, i never mentioned you. I didnt even hint at you. I never mentioned threads you started, or things you had said. I mentioned generic moods, and generic comments. There are several people who have vocalised in more frustratingly rude ways than one. You choose to climb atop your high horse, and thats your choice. But i have absolutely no wish to wast any more of my evening listening to your bullsh*t.
  6. You havent been the only one complaining. Maybe the loudest, but not the only one.
  7. Thats the thing, you have made suggestions and thats completely fine. What you havent done, is criticise more and more and try to change it so radically that it barely resembles the forum in the first place. Its the reason i respect the way you put your ideas forward so much, because your mature and pateint. Theres no point crying over being told no you cant change this when the thing you tried to change was free, and not yours in the first place.
  8. Now, call me a grumpy bastwerd (mainly because im a grumpy bastwerd) but why cant people just enjoy what we have and shut the f*@k up? This forum is free. There is a huge knowledge base here. It is frequented for the most part, but good people who are fun to shoot at and be shot by. If there are people who come across so capable on computers, and who bag on so much for change, then build your own forum and invite all the other people like you to it. It seems the majority of threads now are either stores selling there wares (probs need to go i agree but lets face it we all like buying guns) and people complaining about the forum and b*@ching for change. This is a good forum, if you dont like it, go to zero one, they have all the sub forums you can shake a sh*tty stick at. Forgive the rant, but it needs to be said.
  9. As mentioned it is three games, and he time scale is in no less than two months. Play one game every 3 weeks and your sorted. Glad you enjoyed it! And dont worry about dumb moments, they are what turns it from a sport we enjoy to a hobby we love! I get lost at least once per game and take on more than one enemy player at once with a near empty mag at least once per game too!
  10. I did wonder what you were going to do about internals. Good idea stashing the cut down m4 inside. What kind of finish are you aiming for on the main body and reciever
  11. Thats absolutely brilliant mate. Will be watching this like a hawk yo see the finished result!
  12. The bunker is a brutal day but very fun. Is a more violent game than the mall with 350 full auto everywhere and next to no cover haha
  13. Been said but gotta chip in :-) Was a great night with some grand play and fair game all night. Massive thanks to Trig for organising it, even though he was a bit crippled and might not have played (though it didnt stop him kicking ass all night!) and another massive thanks to Prof for organising all the pyro. Man got enough explosives to keep all us nutters happy all night :-) Well, suppose we should start throwing sites around for the next one.......
  14. Honoured/victimised. All the same haha dont worry, 2 of my brothers will be on a different team to me so i will just be enjoyimg shooting them as much as i can haha
  15. Im the brother shortman mentioned haha im about 5'10, 18ish stone, and really quite built shoulders and back with the generous insulation we all know and love. I have a bulldog mk2 that fits fine, and is quite adjustable for height and width. Side panels come off to give it even more comfort. I also have a h harness and belt set up and a viper chestrig. The last two are definately the more comfartable for a bigger guy, and cheaper than the bulldogg. Bulldogg is around 150 new and fully loaded (does come with alot of shiz tbf) and the belt and harness were about 60 together. The chest rig is 35 new. All have plenty of stuff for a skirmish, and the belt or bulldogg will do for a long milsim game with a bit of extra pouches. A guy on youtube diles46 is a great guide for bigsoft as he calls it.
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