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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Just read the prohibited list on the rm site according to that an airsoftgun would be fine.If you took them to court for destroying one you would win. Problem is nobody bothers.
  2. Best way forward is to sue them for destruction of property.
  3. Its as easy as any other hop. You dont need to mess with it anyway barrel is totally fine and so is the bucking.
  4. Surely thats not legal. Airsoft guns are totally legal and so is the transportation of them. So to destroy them is illegal they are not a goverment agency with the ability to change UK law.
  5. For you. http://www.ocdaction.org.uk/do-i-have-ocd Hope this helps.
  6. No I think thats just you, have you been tested for OCD.☺
  7. If you was unpopular people would reply just to drag you down so thats not it. Maybe your just boring and irrelevant instead. 😃
  8. The Great Escape Kellys heroes Good morning Vietnam Enemy at the gate
  9. Tm pistol style is the best I have found works better than the large m4 style.
  10. Quite happy to join in most off topic discussions weather/f1/why the new mad max is so sh*te but this one doesnt sit well and really doesnt belong on here.Its incendiary and pretty pointless.
  11. Ive played around with one and opened it up and yes they are extremely well built and shoot very well. No idea on the longevity of them for definite but I reckon they will last quite a while before anything goes wrong.
  12. Exactly this, the silver ones are just cheap zinc coated ones. Bondhus which are the best are black so are the original Allen brand. Any others are too soft.
  13. I want to come on here and talk about airsoft. If I want to talk b*ll*cks I will go on a politics forum.
  14. Had similar already guy with a tm scar l I was looking at. He came out with a crappy comment about wouldnt buy an Ics like mine because tm are so much better. He then got upset when he was trying to hit a dead pyro and couldn't so I shot it from about 15ft further back. He was quite upset especially when I told him it was stock. Little white lie but he was a mug.
  15. Use whatever your gun shoots best. It all depends on hop up and starting fps. The more rigid a hop the more it suits heavier bbs for accuracy but no point having bbs that travel too slowly either. Forget all about 2inch groupings and such as long as you can hit a torso and your bbs get there before hes ran off is all that really matters.
  16. More to the point why would you want to. Looks cool but way too much padding for airsoft. You probably wouldnt feel half your hits in one those so if you dont hear it you wont know.
  17. Dytacs were no better than any bog standard aeg. The Krytac doesnt have the smile factor of either of the recoils you mentioned but the internals are better quality. Good quality materials and put together amazingly well. Will shoot as good if not better than most stock aeg and I reckon will probably outlast most as well but they are still too new to know that for definite.As for being ugly the only problem is the pistol grip which is a 5 minute job to change at the end of the day its an M4 there all pretty much the same. My only concern is maybe the service. The shops dont seem very good at getting stock whether thats a supply issue I dont know. I contacted Krytac about a model that isnt available in the uk after being messed about by an american store. They were quick to reply but not very helpful which left a me feeling a bit disappointed like they dont really give a toss about the European market. I was all set to buy one but now I am having second thoughts.
  18. Doesnt matter about the flash hider, it takes about 10 minutes to remove and clean then its a standard ccw 14mm thread.
  19. None of thats really going to make a lot of difference in airsoft its a different animal. Most skirmish days wont really give you the chance to play how you want, there is usually very little real tactics involved. Most games are usually quite simple objective games and more often than not its a bit of a free for all. Look into milsim games they are more serious and require planning and real team work. Some milsim games wont let you use a 2tone though.
  20. Fair enough its your money. Have you actually played a proper game of airsoft yet?
  21. Aeg compact that works well is a bit limited how about this http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/airsoft-weapons-c38/electric-rifles-c45/krytac-krytac-trident-sdp-p4372
  22. If you want a smart little compact there is a pts fpg on here. Unfolding one of those is even more fun than shooting most guns.
  23. You do realise that there is very little difference in range and accuracy between a sniper rifle and a decent aeg. Your going to spend most of your day just getting peppered by the people who can go full auto. Very few people make sniping wprk in airsoft, listen to the good advice above and go for an aeg look at the m14 it will suit you better.
  24. Orga barrels work fine in aegs just need a spare couple of hundred quid to replace all the internals. I did it but honestly wouldnt recommend it unless your really committed to making it work.
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