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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Theres a forum member by the name of Allizard who works for Krytac USA send him a PM hes quite helpful.
  2. Best gun bling is the xcortech x3300w. Theres lots of lasers and nice tactical torches but ammo counters are a rarity.
  3. Can vouch for that I had a CRB and SDP delivered the other week and they hadn't been opened or tampered with. Also had no problems taking a CRB to bits so not sure whats gone wrong with yours.
  4. Would be nice if it always worked like that.
  5. Probably will be around that. A springs rating number is meters per second, 110 mps is 360 fps. Thats only a rough guide though as lots of factors play into it. Fps will be affected by your compression as much as spring which is why most of us spend so much time making sure all the seals are perfect. It varies from gun to gun even when made by the same manufacturer.
  6. Yeah I know that just wanted to simplify it for the op. The whole valid defence, what is and what isnt is another story. A lot of shops are only accepting ukara or site membership (which means you should be on ukara database anyway) as a valid defence.
  7. No you dont, you need to be 18 to buy but you can gift a two tone or even a RIF to someone under 18.
  8. You dont need Ukara membership for two tone even if you add tape.
  9. Its not illegal to own a rif without a Ukara. Its just illegal to sell one to someone without a ukara. Your brother can buy a two tone and gift it to you. Then its fine to put camo tape around it. The site owner wouldnt need to check for ukara as its for sales not ownership.
  10. Just get your brother to get his Ukara membership then he can buy a RIF. If you buy one in a private sale then the seller is breaking the law selling to someone without a defense. Repainting a two tone without a defense is also dodgy as it can be classed as manufacturing a RIF. Just follow the rules same as everyone else has and stop looking to skirt round it. Ukara is a benefit to airsofters because if it didnt work there was probably going to be a ban on rifs.
  11. Off to play soon. Got a feeling its going to be a hot one and I am playing CQB indoors.
  12. Is anyone playing there tomorrow?
  13. You will have to try the mall then.Welcome to the forum.
  14. Surrender and bang rules are b*llshit I dont care if someone is 6ft or 6 inches I am pulling the trigger and expect the same from them. I have had people try to go for the surrender and dry fire so you never know. If you are worried about getting hurt by a little plastic bb fired out of a toy gun then you you really need to man up or take up knitting instead.
  15. Come to the mall some time and we can check that theory.Bet I dont stop having fun and smiling the whole time I am shooting you 😉
  16. Yes you can. Some sites might have this rule but never heard of one. Main rules are; Dont be aggressive to other players. Always play safe as possible Dont be a try hard its a game no one is a real soldier. And the most important one is get stuck in and have fun.
  17. Could be a naff speedloader. I had one that once it got any resistance against it wouldnt load and did exactly what your describing. There is a little latch inside that is supposed to stop bbs going back into the speedloader and sometimes it doesn't engage when under pressure. Try loading by hand if that works then buy a TM speedloader they are the only ones I have never had issues with.
  18. Viper isnt that bad. They have some ok belt rigs and pouches and some ok light weight tac vests at reasonable money. You can get better but you will pay more and to be honest its airsoft not a full on battlefield so will be durable enough for what most people need.
  19. Never understood why people want such a rate of fire unless its a support weapon. At the end of the day its only the first one that hits that counts so if 10 more follow it someone is just being a dick. I mainly use semi auto and if I do use full auto then its programmed to burst fire anyway.As for hitting harder dont think thats down to propulsion just down to a well set up gun. If your hop is set too high then the bb loses momentum quicker because of excessive back spin, I reckon 75% of airsoft guns have this problem.
  20. If you want a simple rig go for a molle belt. Then you can just use the pouches you want. Plate carriers are a pain in the arse and stop people feeling hits to often.
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