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Chock last won the day on February 8 2015

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  1. Ging to the pub this evening to tell all mine and my (now ex) girlfriend's friiends what a tw*t she's been. She'll be in there later, and won't be able to show her face there any more without being ashamed of herself

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Josh95


      not a good idea

    3. Lozart


      As above really - I'd not get dragged down to her level mate. Draw a line under it and move on. Of course that's all very easy for us to say because we aren't the ones dealing with it. Your shout.

    4. Sparky-


      f*cking hell chap, sorry to hear. She sounds like she's lost out, however, you should listen to Lozart, but, if it were me I'd be inclined to do the same. As he said, your shout chap. :/

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