Deej mate, if a pro seamstress will do it for a reasonable price I'd much rather not bother meself.
For sure it was a joke, but i was serious about making the joke a reality from the beginning! It'll be hilarious
These days you can get good quality patches made in 1's & 2's cheap enough - if somebody has a pretty new computerised embroiderer, it's no skin off their nose to only do 1. So yeah, nearer the time I'll fire up the old visual arts bone and design a Moustaffa Fez cartoon character to serve as a mascot and make an appearance on a/some patch/es.
In my mind @mo I'm seeing him with an impressive tache, the tactical fez obviously; khaki/tan desert camo BDU's part unbuttoned, bit of white vest showing & chest hair - a bit jowlly... in fact the more i think about him, the more i think Moustaffa is a particularely hirsute example of the genetic heritage generated when the Ottoman Empire met Persia... ear & nose hair making a bid for freedom under eyebrows which have achieved it and set up two independent republics - bald as a vulture on top - massive nose, prehensile almost, but not angular or hooked like an Arab conk, more of a Semitic looking appendage with that Turkish cleft blob on the end; 2 x pearl handled 1911's in waist belt holsters - crack shot with a muzzle loader blunderbuss