I was just 45 and I'm on 3 AEG';s & 1 pistol (+1 2 plastic 1/2 arses that are best ignored). I've only spent a wallet-stinger on 1 of them though and that's the same with my loadouts - bit at a time, except the RICAS I bought recently, which was 2nd hand and cheap by a lot of your standards @£65.10 inc P&P and the various pouches I'm planning to get will have to trickle in...
So it's not just teens, TM. I'm not going to jump on the rich-kid bash either. If my parents had had more money than they did and my dad wasn't as tight as a duck's arse under water (and airsoft had been invented), I'd have loved a whole gunroom full of choice. However, something I remember about a few kids I knew whose parents were minted (I went to a good school) was that their attitude towards cool possessions was definitely different to my own.
For instance, scientific calculators had recently become available to the great unwashed and word had come down from on high that henceforth all calculators except those which were programmable would be allowed in exams. Programmable? Pro-fcuking-grammable? Well, back then t'internet was still a twinkle in Tim's eye, so finding out what one of those was wasn't that easy. But it was an intellectual exercise anyway, because, for my close friends and I, the price was so prohibitive that it just didn't matter what they could do.
It took me so long to save for a bog standard Texas Instruments scientific calc that, by the time I had it, Casio had brought out a range of programmable ones which would have merely taken a few months more saving for me to buy. Anyway, there would have been no point, since I couldn't have used it in exams, and so, despite it's lack of even so minor a bell/whistle as solar panels, I loved that T120 and knew how to use all its functions except those for statistics, indeed that i can remember the name 31yrs later, even though the maths has largely fled, is testament to how much it meant to me.
The thing is, without consciously thinking it, I knew that that calculator would be the only one I would ever have for the medium-term foreseeable future. There were other kids I knew who had several within a fairly short time and, except for one lad, none of them did more than scratch the surface of their machines' capabilities. They were just what we now call bling. To be fair though, a person need not be particularly arsewanking to be shackled to that treadmill. I mean, how many people have you met whose car/s cost considerably more than their transport requirements actually merit, who also must to work like dogs to pay for it/them, so that in any spare time they have when, in theory, they might take a vehicle out for no other reason than the pleasure of driving country roads, they are too knackered to do anything of the kind?