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Airsoft Arms Fair 5

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Airsoft Arms Fair 5, Saturday 19th May

In partnership with RedWolf and AI


AAF5 boasts another fantastic line up of retailers, sites, training courses, private sellers and for the first time distributors.


Plus Clarence Lai, aka Airsoft Surgeon, will be at the show running free to attend 1 hour workshops on Airsoft practical pistol shooting and gun mod techniques, a rare chance to learn from one of the best in the industry.


Plus for those looking to make a weekend of it Sunday 20th May The Grange and AIPSC.co.uk are hosting a cash prize Airsoft practical pistol tournament. Entry fee includes camping on Saturday night and access to the site bar and restaurant.


All in all an event not to be missed.

The majority of the 10am entry tickets have already sold and as with all previous Airsoft Arms Fairs we expecting the show to sell out, so don’t delay in booking your ticket.



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How much are the tickets?

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Wow, bonus.


I'll get booked in at some point next week.

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Do you mean you will be hard at work shopping or you will just be hard?




EDIT: You know what don't answer :(

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Still yet to buy my ticket.


Will be there.

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Both, and I intend to wear a skintight Lycra catsuit whilst I do it ;)


Damn. I know afternoon tickets are only a fiver, but that's just darn off-putting lol.

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Sunday tickets seem to be all gone. That's just lowered the chance of me making an appearance by some significant margin.

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Sunday tickets seem to be all gone. That's just lowered the chance of me making an appearance by some significant margin.


The show is on Saturday 19th only, Sunday 20th is the Airsoft Practical Pistol tournament.

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Ah, that explains it then, thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Is it possible to show up on the day and pay to enter at the time, or do you have to buy a ticket beforehand?

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Is it possible to show up on the day and pay to enter at the time, or do you have to buy a ticket beforehand?

You need to pre-book & provide your UKARA number if you want to buy RIFs there. There are three booked times. All the best bargains go to those with the earliest timed tickets.

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Last year there was the option to sort UKARA stuffs out on the day, it was just easier to mention it during booking.


It's just that I won't know for sure if I can make it down until the night before and that'll probably be too late to book online.

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