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Oh dear..

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So i have a dilemma today i received a £20 gift voucher from my sister aswell as my brother receiving one from her BUT to my UTTER dismay and pain it was to ukbbg.co.uk and theirs nothing other than the overpriced DE Shotty`s on their that either of us would consider buying and all because IT IS THE UK`S PREMIER AIRSOFT WEBSITE as she tried to explain it to me my brother noticed that my face went really pale (which mean`s im feeling extreme sorrow and loss).

she made a valiant effort and their only thing me and my brother are really considering is just buying the 9.99 .2`s and "using" them but really is their anything worth it or have they hidden it all?

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This is something I'd usually laugh at... But that's the most terrible thing that could happen at Christmas, totally gutted...


You could try and sell the gift card to something?


Sorry, meant someone ahaha, my brain subconsciously knows anyone who buys from there must be subhuman lol.

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had a look and the DE shotguns really are overpriced, paid less for my ASG one!


best thing i've seen is the pop up target :D


good luck

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How about you buy a really pants gun and then ask them for a refund?


Might work! It's just a more complicated way to get cash exchange for the voucher.

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Lep me and my brother did the exact same thing but as soon as i read the web address i knew it was bad my brother however didn`t and my brother`s gonna use my voucher to get that DL hopefully and i`ll get one of the fixed stock version`s when there back in stock tho lol

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