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Tell me your next airsoft game day planning and loadout

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Level 2 on Saturday afternoon, not sure on loadout yet, will decide when I get there

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Realistically mine is Red Alert 6 at Eversly as part of a film sim weekend.


I wish I could commit to more but...  you know, life


My load out will be Para/Pathfinder 85 so I get away with a Sig226 as sidearm, use tm mc51 as main (I know not an "issued" toy but it did do some field tests) and I get to do all of that in the most excellent heavy canvas known to man 'Pattern 58' in a 68 smock.


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Worthing Airsoft. Loadout will be standard ghillie setup (cape + boonie) over woodland marpat and my WAS belt setup. Want to finalise what I'm going to use for AI500 in two months time, so will be focusing on that, though will probably swap the woodland marpat for m81 woodland closer to the time as it should start bushing up in the coming months.


Weather is looking good so I'm hoping to bring out the m40a5 (KJW m700 in an m40 kit), but if it's not good enough I'll fall back on the MTW 308. Sidearm will be hi-capa or AAP.

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Probably Rift's Blackstone site in Huntington. As for my loadout, here's a picture as I'm feeling lazy and can't be bothered to list everything1586989157_101684851-@brockysimages-BlackstoneCQB-2ndFeb2025-076.thumb.JPG.07920be21958c4bd6f86124b86ab85ee.JPG


Photo by Brockys Images/kriosphotography.com

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