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New to 'sniping'


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Impulse bought an SMLE a few years ago and yet to try it out. I'm fairly sure its above the required FPS for it to be subject to MEG. I was hoping to use it at the next game day I go to but was looking to see if people had any advice for using it // BB weights // play style etc? I'm usually very much a run around like a headless chicken until I feel like throwing up game style, so will be quite the change from normal. 


Also if anyone happens to have a strong opinion on any of these sites would be grand to hear before we go to try them

Sierra Golf One Airsoft 
The Trail Airsoft 
Strike Force CQB 
UCAP Vendetta
Skirmish Airsoft Exeter 
Survival Airsoft 
Hollow Point Airsoft

Thanks :)

Edited by JamesAirsofterAgent
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Mine was running at battle rifle power levels out of the box, so I'd be surprised if you get stuck with a MED . Mine is the S&T , other brands may be hotter. 


Assuming yours is the S&T also , then mine is set for .30 BBs and lifts them easily on the stock hop . I would highly recomend changing the spring (again if it's the S&T) as the one they come with is horrible and kinks up inside the bolt.


If Survival airsoft is the one at Torrington it's my local site and very good. Decent bunch of folk there, very friendly and although people play hard, no one takes it too seriously . Used my Lee Enfield there 2 weeks ago and had a blast running it as a battle rifle. 

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When it comes to sniping imo fieldcraft is way more important than when playing with a regular aeg.


Also knowing where your shots are going to land is essential as if the first shot misses you can't just walk the next shots onto target so if possible get in as much practice as possible. For example I know that Bodgeups spent 6 months practicing and only shooting targets before he actually took the bolt action into a game


Last of all (and possibly most importantly) I think many players go into sniping with totally unrealistic expectations, don't expect to be racking up "kills" from day 1. 

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21 minutes ago, Nick G said:

Mine was running at battle rifle power levels out of the box, so I'd be surprised if you get stuck with a MED . Mine is the S&T , other brands may be hotter. 


Assuming yours is the S&T also , then mine is set for .30 BBs and lifts them easily on the stock hop . I would highly recomend changing the spring (again if it's the S&T) as the one they come with is horrible and kinks up inside the bolt.


If Survival airsoft is the one at Torrington it's my local site and very good. Decent bunch of folk there, very friendly and although people play hard, no one takes it too seriously . Used my Lee Enfield there 2 weeks ago and had a blast running it as a battle rifle. 

Amazing thank you, mine is S&T sort of - was rebuilt with a few changes (metal loading fin thingy), no idea if the spring was changed will have to ask . This is the site I think https://survivalcombatgames.co.uk/airsoft-2, seems like it is the Torrington one so will defo check out.


14 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

When it comes to sniping imo fieldcraft is way more important than when playing with a regular aeg.


Also knowing where your shots are going to land is essential as if the first shot misses you can't just walk the next shots onto target so if possible get in as much practice as possible. For example I know that Bodgeups spent 6 months practicing and only shooting targets before he actually took the bolt action into a game


Last of all (and possibly most importantly) I think many players go into sniping with totally unrealistic expectations, don't expect to be racking up "kills" from day 1. 

Sweeto thank you. 

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9 minutes ago, JamesAirsofterAgent said:

Amazing thank you, mine is S&T sort of - was rebuilt with a few changes (metal loading fin thingy), no idea if the spring was changed will have to ask . This is the site I think https://survivalcombatgames.co.uk/airsoft-2, seems like it is the Torrington one so will defo check out.


Yep , that's the Torrington one .  The metal loading fin is a handy mod. Hopefully it's at battle rifle power level, they are so much fun to run that way.

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Use heaviest bbs you can get, assuming you running full power. I use 0.43-0.48g depending on availability. And you should at least try to use an optic. Red dot or magnified or whatever, it helps a ton for single shot. I run a mix of scope and red dot on my SPR300 and both are great: red dot is lighter and faster, better for medium and short ranges; scope is heavier and slower to scope in, so better for longer ranges. Getting quick scopes with a red dot is very fun though. Also, get yourself a cheap chrono like the xcortech mk3, it comes real handy when you're testing power before game day. If it's above the power limit, just cut the spring bit by bit until you get it right.


In terms of play style... I just run and gun with it like I would with an AEG. Play it like you would in a game. You will be severly disadvantaged with normal AEG power levels though. The whole point of a bolt action is to get a significant range advantage. You will basically just have to camp corners or jiggle peek because you only have one chance to catch someone before being forced to move away because you don't have the same volume of fire as a rental with a g36c does.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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