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Returning Airsofter from Northern Ireland


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Reporting back for Duty from NI 🤠


After a hiatus of about 10 years, I can firmly say I have went down the rabbit hole again,  It was going to happen at one stage or another 😆


No longer a broke student and now with some adult money in my pocket, I can already sense the poor financial decisions being made. "War Never Changes" 


I would have been pretty regular at SG1 site and Predator Airsoft, amongst other sites, I was fairly active on some of the forums back in the day as well. 


Intending on focusing more on the CQB side of things but I'm sure it'll tail spin out of control momentarily. (Any NI users on this forum please fire suggestions for sites! 😎)


Thanks for having me back! 😁






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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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