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Tornado 40mm launchable grenades

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well ive seen the rubber inserts you can get for grenades aswell as foam ones, if that is what you mean?

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That is not be legal in the uk then.


I may be wrong but i thought as long as it isnt stabilised using fins like a rocket then its legal.

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It depends a lot on the method of propulsion, the stabilisation and the actual detonation.


If there's no combustion during propulsion, no fins etc and no explosive detonation, it'd probably be legal, any variation and you've got a grey area.


I still dont fancy people firing big metal grenades at me; one of them hits you it's gonna hurt a lot.

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I still dont fancy people firing big metal grenades at me; one of them hits you it's gonna hurt a lot.


Not if you have one of these...



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to be fair though, who would use them? i mean regular grenades cost enough, let alone what these would cost, people woul dbe too scared of it breaking or someone stealing/losing it, Although i really want the Bouncing betty mines, they look good. although you couldnt help but laugh of you see some kid take it to the face when it just jumps up and he looks down, it will happen, and it wil be epic

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Fear of losing them has never been a problem for the people I know with the throwable ones, but when you launch something it's a bit different.


They're REAL solid as well so breaking them is a rarity, they've not got much in them to break...Knowing my luck, it would break though, and getting spare parts is near-on impossible for that sort of thing.

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well will be easy to spot the gay people, they will be the ones shooting them selfs in the face with it :D

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imagine having 6 of them in a caw revolver grenade launcher and using them as mortars :D


Now that's an idea worth considering..

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these would make the game alot more enjoyable to play. plus a bit of pain is what its about. and the mortar idea, well it must be a very short range mortar thats all i can say lol.

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these would make the game alot more enjoyable to play. plus a bit of pain is what its about. and the mortar idea, well it must be a very short range mortar thats all i can say lol.

yeah short range but scary death from above imagine direct impact to someones head

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f*cking H&S idiots, just coz their mummies never let them play with anything cool when they were a kid means that they going to screw us all over, with all those H&S laws inplace its no wonder kids these days are idiots, you're taking away the only thing that they have to teach them comon sense.

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