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New player looking for a group to join near Oxford


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Ahoy and welcome.  We'll see if anyone chimes in, but the great thing about airsoft is that it's a very welcoming hobby.  It's absolutely fine to rent and show up alone, and super easy to get talking to people.  Just ask anyone about their gun or the site and see if you can get them to shut up. ;)  

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Welcome. As Rogerborg posted, don't worry about turning up on your own. You'd be surprised how many people do.


If you're looking for a site have a look at https://playairsoft.uk/ 

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In total agreement about not worrying about showing up on your tod.


If I may plug as someone who's played there multiple times, might I suggest REDCON-2 at Dalton Barracks near Abingdon since you're looking near Oxford? It's run by RIFT Airsoft.


Good marshals, varying playing environments, convoy vehicles to be escorted in, really fun objectives and gameplay, reasonably priced food and drinks in a captive market, prizes to be won with White Sphere Tactical.


The player base is usually friendly and welcoming.



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Good morning everyone, sorry for not reacting sooner.. work kinda got in the way and completely forgot about my post. It is reassuring that I can just show up and play with anyone. Definitely will try the links suggested. 

Thank you for all your replies:)

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Strongly recommend RIFT at Abingdon.  Large open site often with vehicles to commandeer.


Welcome to the hobby and as said - rocking up on your todd is never an issue...  Just throw yourself into the games and ask about people's pew pews - very often they'll let you have a go too - one chap let my son and his mate fire off his £5.5K minigun.  Put a massive grin on both their faces.

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32 minutes ago, mbus said:

Might be a silly one, what does "todd" stand for?


On your tod means on your own. 👍

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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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