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High cap magazine help

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Hello everyone, I recently bought a Specna Arms SA-H22 EDGE 2.0. None of my old m4 high caps fit very well with it. I cannot get hold of any specna arms ones as they are out of stock everywhere. Does anyone know what other high cap brands fit well with this gun? 


Much appreciated if anyone has had the same issue and can shed some light? 

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My L85A3 is fussy & will only take Pmags, are your other mags stanag?

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6 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

This might be relevant:



Thanks pal but I really don't want to go down the route of modification, I was hoping maybe someone knew a brand that fits well with them

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Lonex flash mags. They fit pretty much everything.

I prefer the metal stanag ones because they also happen to fit in EVERY M4/5.56 pouch out there, whereas the polymer ones don't.

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