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Best MWS gas?!

Homeless Snail

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Hello guys, sorry to bring this up but im from Portugal and im about to go get my baby girl back!

the weather in Portugal is much warmer than here and i cant find the gas thar i used (Puff dino 12 without silicone ).

What are you guys using? Thanks in advance!

 PS: I own the left one! 😍


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I just use green gas or whatever a brand's equivalent is. I fitted an NPAS early on so can adjust to the differences between brands if it's an issue, temperature changes are why I installed it though.

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ASG gas in the beige / sand coloured cans. Only ever go to Abbey 144a or Nuprol Red at extremes of weather! 

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2nd vote for the ASG ultrair. It's a lot dryer than most other green gas, which means it won't spray lubricants through your hop and barrel like most gasses will.


However, I empty my mags after game days and put a bit of maintenance gas in to maintain the magazine seals, as dryer gasses will dry out the o-rings over time. It's a bit more expensive as I do waste some gas doing this, but I'd rather keep my MWS mags in good condition because I don't want to have to take them apart.

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Was looking for this thread earlier did a search didn't find anything, 


I use Nuprol 1.0 I've seen the propane adapters would these hurt the gun atall or perfectly fine ? as the tanks of propane are around 2-3x cheaper for volume of gas. 

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It will be fine with propane at any temperature that you are likely to encounter, if it gets really cold, you can use MAP gas instead.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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