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Taring Carving


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Has anyone on here had experience with them lately? I dropped them a message on their Facebook regarding making me a GOL Magnum stock for my vsr about 3 months ago, I finally recieved a message back today saying they can do it for me for 215 dollars including shipping which works out at about £170 which isn't bad going at all, but from what I've read online people have been waiting up to a year for them to arrive, I guess what I'm asking is have any of you had a good experience with them especially regarding shipping times? I want to make the purchase but I'm skeptical.



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I'd be reluctant using them based on just the email response times alone, is it another "one man band" operation ?

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One of my friends had them make him a Lee Enfield stock for a VSR receiver a few years ago and it was a year turnaround on that. I'd be hesitant to go with them on their response times as well, as I'd be unsure whether they're actually going to do it and I wouldn't be able to chase them up for updates if I got worried about the radio silence.

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Never heard of them but a quick Google search shows quite a lot of negative reviews, not just for the time taken but for the quality of their work and customer service too. All in all I'd go elsewhere 

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