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hi i just got my fist gun it is a specna arms sav30 m1 and i have a bb stuck in the bit just above the mag and cant unjam it any help please


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Put the mag back in and try a couple of shots. 

If not you will have to take upper part of gun off and remove the barrell and as said above,use the unjamming rod.

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2 minutes ago, bezo123x said:

thanks guys i got it unjammed but now it still wont shoot and then gets jammed when i try to i can post a picture tomorrow if that will help!


when you push the cleaning rod down the barrel turn the pew upside down & look in the mag well at the hop unit... can you see the cleaning rod or another bb?

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  • 2 weeks later...

You local field will usually have someone there who is good at trouble shooting for you. It could be a simple fix but until you get someone to look at it, you won't know.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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