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Oh boy do i want to get one...

Dan Robinson

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No point if you're emigrating, happy to store it on my wall of pews while you're out of the country tho.

Edited by gavinkempsell
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Afaik there haven't been a ton of high profile buyers/users of the 433 family which doesn't help its' chances unfortunately.  Though my personal yard stick for such things is the imfdb page on a rifle; sadly very spartan in this instance:



Even though MW2019/warzone was massive, I don't think 99% of people who played it realised that the 'Kilo' was a real gun and externally it's pretty generic.


Overall I have to say I've not seen a lot of interest in these types of rifles in the airsoft world.  The SCAR has had the most limelight by far in terms of all the AR-18-derived/based modern assault rifles and even those are comparatively rare to see in game (plus the ACR back in the day).  The XCR, MCX and Bren 2 have all been made and offered (amongst others I'm sure I'm forgetting) but haven't really taken off massively for various reasons.  A bit of the usual catch 22 situation; these things can't get popular if there aren't plenty of good examples available to buy, but the companies won't manufacture them if there's no perceived customer base.

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